Alice Zaslavsky's fried green falafels with cauli tabbouleh,hubba-baba ghanoush and pickled pink cauli.
Alice Zaslavsky's fried green falafels with cauli tabbouleh,hubba-baba ghanoush and pickled pink cauli.Benjamin Dearnley

Finding the joy in cooking comes down to one simple idea,Alice Zaslavsky believes. It's about letting go of the concept of being a"good cook",and all the pressure and hang-ups that come along with it.

Instead,we can aspire to be a better cook,finding our own rhythm and flow in the kitchen.

"Better Cooking is a lifelong journey,"she writes in her new cookbookThe Joy of Better Cooking.

Alice Zaslavsky's new cookbook.
Alice Zaslavsky's new cookbook.Ben Dearnley

"It's made up of single steps,with plenty of whoopsies and notes-for-next-time along the way.

"But every step gets you a bit closer to cracking the codes that unlock the confidence to feel freedom and joy in the kitchen."

Here are two recipes to bring joy to your cooking.

Fried green falafels

I learned to make this falafel care of Emi from Egypt,a vivacious woman whose childhood in bustling Cairo could be contained within these fragrant footballs. Emi told me that once I tasted her falafel,I wouldn't want it any other way. I was struck by her confidence,but thought I'd best reserve comment until we'd completed the demo of this very dish. Dear reader,it really is the best falafel recipe,and I'll never make it any other way. Emi uses dried fava beans though,and if you can find them,I'd recommend you sub them in for the chickpeas – but I'm trying to remove every possible excuse in the book,so checkout chickpeas it is!




Cauli tabbouleh



To serve



  1. To make the falafels,drain the soaked chickpeas and set aside.
  2. Place the onion,ground spices,salt and half the parsley and fresh coriander (in that order) in a blender or food processor. Blitz until the onion starts to break down to a sludge,and the herb stalks have yielded to the blades. Add the chickpeas,bicarbonate of soda and the remaining herbs (reserving a handful for garnishing,if you like). Blend to the consistency of a smooth paste.
  3. Heat the oil in a medium-sized saucepan with high-ish sides;8-10cm of oil should be plenty.
  4. Use your tablespoon measure and another tablespoon to scoop and press the mixture into football-looking oblongs. Working in batches,gently drop them into the oil,from as close to the oil as possible,and let them fry for a minute before turning to do the other side. Sometimes they'll stick to the bottom of the pan,but just let them sit there and they'll float up with a little agitation from your spider skimmer or long-handled tongs. Fry for another 2 minutes or so,until each is the colour of leather. Drain each batch on paper towel,sprinkling with salt flakes while still hot for good measure.
  5. While the falafels are frying,make your tabbouleh. Pop the cauliflower florets in a bowl and cover with freshly boiled water from a kettle. Let them sit for 5 minutes in the water to soften slightly. Combine the salad onion in a bowl with the tomatoes and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  6. Mix the dressing ingredients together in a jug,ready for pouring.
  7. Blast your blender with water to dislodge any hop-ons,then pop in the cauliflower florets,garlic clove and olive oil. Blitz until the cauli is finely chopped to the size of couscous.
  8. Toss the chopped cauli through the tomato mixture. Finish the tabbouleh by stirring through the parsley and coriander just before serving. Drizzle with the yoghurt dressing to finish.
  9. Serve the falafels in a pita bread,with your hubba-babaghanoush,cauli tabbouleh,pickled pink cauli,if using,and lemon wedges.





Makes about 30

Hummus meets baba ghanoush.
Hummus meets baba ghanoush.Benjamin Dearnley

Hubba-baba ghanoush

You know those ads for tacos where the little girl says,"Why not have both?"Well I am that girl,asking,if you're deciding between making hummus or baba ghanoush,why NOT have both? In this mash-up of the two,the chickpeas help make the baba even smoother and creamier,while the eggplant makes the hummus infinitely more interesting. And the pickled cauliflower florets just cap it all off – like chewed-up bits of purple Hubba Bubba bubble gum. On toast with avocado,as a"puree"with Middle Eastern mains,or straight from the fridge,this dip is just hubba-hubba.


Pickled pink cauli


To serve


  1. Drain the soaked chickpeas and place in a large saucepan with 12 cups (3 litres) cold water and the kombu,if using – but no salt! Bring to the boil,then simmer for about 1½ hours. Once the chickpeas are soft enough to squash between your fingers,drain and allow to cool slightly,removing the kombu. At this point I like to peel the chickpeas for the smoothest hummus,but you are SO welcome to skip this step. I'm already asking a lot.
  2. While the chickpeas are simmering,roast the eggplants over a gas cooktop (seeTips) or barbecue over medium heat,rotating occasionally,for 30-45 minutes,until blackened on all sides and completely soft in the middle. Alternatively,pop the eggplants on a rack over a baking tray and roast in a 200C fan-forced (220C conventional) oven for an hour or so,until the skin has charred,and when poked seems more balloon than eggplant. Leave until cool enough to handle,draped over a clean sink to leak out a whole lot of schmutz that will otherwise make your baba way too watery.
  3. For the pickled cauli,bring a large-ish saucepan of well-salted (preferably filtered) water to the boil. Add the cauliflower florets and beetroot and bubble away for 3 minutes to soften slightly. Drain,reserving 3 cups (750ml) of the now magenta-coloured water. Divide the veg among two sterilised containers each about 300ml in capacity. Sprinkle the caraway seeds evenly on top,finishing with a bay leaf.
  4. Pour the reserved poaching water back into the pan. Add the vinegar,garlic,salt and sugar and bring to the boil. Pour this mixture over the veg to cover and seal. If there isn't enough liquid,boil a little more vinegar and pour over the top. The cauli and beet will get even better after a day of hanging out in the pickling liquid,and will last comfortably for up to a month in the fridge.
  5. Scoop the eggplant flesh into a food processor. Toss in the chickpeas and remaining ingredients (including the ice cubes) and blitz until smooth and velvety,adding more olive oil if you want it even creamier. Taste for seasoning.
  6. Serve warm or cold,topped with the pickles,extra herbs and pomegranate seeds,with falafels and soft pita breads to round it all out. The hubba will last for up to a week in the fridge in an airtight container – just cover with olive oil to help stop a skin forming,and give it a good stir before serving,if need be.

Serves4-6 as a dippy starter,or as part of a main meal





The tang of the marmalade splices through the richness of the biscuit and filling.
The tang of the marmalade splices through the richness of the biscuit and filling.Benjamin Dearnley

Lady Marmalade melting moments

You know that version of the songLady Marmalade,where Christina Aguilera pumps out that EPIC note as she begins her verse? What a MOMENT,right!? That's what these melting moments remind me of. The slightly bitter tang of the marmalade in the buttercream is enough to splice through the richness of the biscuit and filling,and as it melts on your tongue,you'll find yourself having a moment,too. I've adopted the custard powder of the classically Aussie yo-yo biscuit,because I like the colour and flavour it provides. Most melting moments recipes use cornflour – either of these additions stop the flour and fat binding too tightly,which means the biscuit will,quite literally,melt in your mouth.



Marmalade buttercream


  1. Line two light-coloured (seeTips) baking trays (ideally biscuit trays) with baking paper.
  2. If your icing sugar is lumpy,pop it into a food processor and blitz,or into a zip-lock bag and mash with a rolling pin.
  3. Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment,beat the softened butter until uniformly soft,then add the icing sugar and beat until the mixture is pale and creamy (more is more here).
  4. Sift together the flour,custard powder and baking powder. Add to the butter mixture,along with the salt,and mix with a wooden spoon until just combined.
  5. Use a teaspoon measure dusted with a smidge of flour to scoop out 2 level teaspoons (5g) of the mixture,rolling into walnut-sized balls between your hands. If your hands are hot,pat a little flour onto them to stop the mixture sticking. Evenly space the balls out on the baking trays. Don't worry if they're a bit mangy;you can always smooth them out once chilled.
  6. Pop the trays in the fridge to chill for 15 minutes,or even overnight.
  7. When ready to bake,preheat the oven to 150C fan-forced (170 conventional). Use a floured fork to press each dough ball into a 2cm disc. Bake for 15-18 minutes,until the biscuits are set enough to be dislodged with a gentle prod,are custard-yellow in colour and the bottom is still blonde. Allow to cool for 10 minutes,then cool completely on a wire rack before filling.
  8. Make your buttercream in the stand mixer by creaming the butter and icing sugar together until super pale. Add the orange zest,juice and marmalade and beat until incorporated.
  9. To fill the biscuits,either transfer the buttercream to a piping bag and squeeze it over half the biscuits,or spread a teaspoon of filling over them. Pop the unfilled biscuits on top of the filled ones like hats,squashing ever so slightly to more evenly distribute the filling.
  10. Give the whole lot one last dusting of icing sugar as a final flourish.
  11. The biscuits will keep in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 5 days. They can also be frozen (filled or unfilled) for up to 3 months;thaw for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Makes about 25 filled sandwiched biscuits




This is an edited extract fromThe Joy of Better Cooking by Alice Zaslavsky,photography by Ben Dearnley. Murdoch Books,RRP $49.99.Buy now

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