Blistered zucchini pasta with garlic and burrata.
Blistered zucchini pasta with garlic and burrata.James Moffatt

Make the most of zucchini flowers with a simple and stylish bowl of pappardelle.



  • 12 zucchini flowers,stems attached,halved lengthways

  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 400g pappardelle

  • 2 garlic cloves,thinly sliced

  • 1 long red chilli,seeds removed and finely chopped

  • ¼ cup lemon juice

  • 1 tsp finely grated lemon zest

  • 250g burrata,torn


  1. Step1

    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Toss the zucchini in half the oil. In 2 batches,cook the zucchini for 1-2 minutes or until just coloured. Set aside.

  2. Step2

    Meanwhile,cook the pasta in salted boiling water for 6-8 minutes,or until al dente.

  3. Step3

    Heat remaining oil in the frying pan over high heat. Add the garlic and chilli and cook for 30 seconds or until just fragrant.

  4. Step4

    While hot,place the pasta in a large bowl,add the garlic,chilli,oil,lemon juice and zest and toss to combine. Add zucchini and gently toss. Divide between bowls and top with torn burrata. Season with pepper and serve.

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Cauliflower fritters recipe with feta,mint and dill

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Jessica BrookJessica Brook is a recipe writer.

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