Plum ice-cream
Plum ice-creamMarina Oliphant,Styling:Carolione Velik,Cutlery:Manon Bis

If my fruit becomes too ripe,I either bake it with cinnamon,cloves,sugar and butter or turn it into a sweetened puree to fold through homemade ice-cream.



  • 1kg plums

  • 260g castor sugar

  • 800ml cream

  • 300ml milk

  • 1 vanilla pod,split in half

  • 8 egg yolks


  1. Halve and stone the plums and place in a saucepan with 80g sugar. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-10 minutes on medium heat,or until just cooked and soft. Allow to cool,then pass through a sieve,discarding the skins.

    Put cream,milk and scraped vanilla bean in a heavy based pot and gently bring to a simmer. Turn off heat and allow to infuse for 20 minutes.

    In a bowl,whisk egg yolks and remaining sugar until combined. Heat the cream again,then whisk in the yolks. Pour the mixture into a clean pot and put on a moderate heat. Use a wooden spoon to stir constantly,cooking the mixture until it thickens slightly and coats the back of the spoon.

    Strain into a cold bowl and cool completely in the fridge before stirring in the plum puree and churning in an ice-cream maker,according to manufacturer's instructions.

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Brigitte HafnerBrigitte Hafner is a chef,restaurateur and recipe writer.

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