Team-colour choc tops
Team-colour choc topsSupplied
Time:<30 minsMakes:About 12

In Australia,we all love a choc-top ice-cream. Have a go and make your own — they're really easy. If you're hosting a footy party,decorate with your team colours.



  • 1 litre vanilla ice-cream

  • 1 packet ice-cream cones

  • 200g cooking chocolate (white,milk or dark)

  • Ready-made icing tubes (in your team colours)


  1. Melt the chocolate in a small bowl in the microwave or over a pot of simmering water. Remove from heat and allow to cool a little.

    Scoop the ice-cream into the cone and press down firmly. Return to freezer for a few minutes (or longer) to harden.

    Turn the ice-cream upside-down and dip into the chocolate to coat.

    Place upright into a holder or carefully stand on the bench. The chocolate will set.

    Use the ready-made icing tubes to decorate in your team colours.

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