ANZ boss tips short-term economic hit from'predictable'crisis

ANZ Bank chief executive Shayne Elliott says the lender is well-placed to support distressed customers through an expected coronavirus-induced downturn of about six months,saying shareholders will back the bank in"doing the right thing for the nation."

Although he acknowledged the crisis would have a"devastating"impact for some in the community,the big four CEO said the balance sheets of Australian banks were in a very strong position,and the pandemic was more predictable than the global financial crisis.

ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said Australian banks had never held more capital.

ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said Australian banks had never held more capital.AFR

Amid predictions banks will facea rising tide of bad debts caused by the crisis,Mr Elliott said that unlike past financial crises,banks had a"reasonably good idea"of how long the downturn would last.

"You can see that with effective policy and swift action,this can be a three,four,five-month impact. The good news from that is,as a bank,if that's the case,we're much better equipped to help customers see through a three- to six-month period of difficulty than an unknown period of difficulty,"Mr Elliott told the bank's online publicationbluenotes.

"So that's why I'm reasonably confident that the banks are able and willing to help."

National Australia Bank chief Ross McEwan also wrote to customers on Tuesday,as the industry seeks to reassure the market about the strength of the sector as it faces a mounting economic crisis.

"Rest assured,NAB is open for business. We continued lending throughout the Global Financial Crisis and we’ll continue to lend through this,"Mr McEwan said.

All of the big four banks have announced hardship packages for customers,which could involve waiving fees and delaying loan repayments for up to 90 days for clients who have been hit by the fallout from the pandemic.

Since the financial system inquiry of 2014,the banks have been forced to set aside billions of dollars more in top-tier capital,which is essentially shareholder funds,to make their operations more resilient to shocks.

"Never in our history have we had more capital,we've never had more liquidity,"Mr Elliott said,adding the bank was in"a great position to do the right thing and see our customers through this difficult period."

As large sections of Australia's economy face being smashed by travel restrictions and"social distancing"policies,analysts expect the banks to face mounting bad debts. But bankers say it is not in their interests to clamp down on otherwise healthy businesses that are suffering temporarily due to the crisis.

Mr Elliott said most shareholders were"very long-term"investors who understood that banking was cyclical,and they would support banks in backing customers during tough times.

"I think shareholders’ interests are absolutely aligned with us doing the right thing for the nation and the right thing for our customers,"he said.

Clancy Yeates is deputy business editor. He has covered banking and financial services,and was previously national business correspondent in the Canberra bureau.

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