Tax deductible insurance advice'unlikely to happen',executive says

A board member from the powerful financial regulator has shut down the possibility of tax deductible fee-for-service financial advice,saying it was"unlikely to happen in the current climate".

At a panel on the future of life insurance in Sydney on Thursday,managing director of ClearView Wealth Ltd Simon Swanson said a fee-for-service between the customer and adviser should be tax deductible,as an alternative option to insurance companies paying adviser fees.

APRA executive member Geoff Summerhayes said it would be"difficult to get treasury to be sympathetic"to an industry that caused it heartache.

APRA executive member Geoff Summerhayes said it would be "difficult to get treasury to be sympathetic" to an industry that caused it heartache.Chris Pavlich

"[With] superannuation you can fund the advice fee out of the super account,in mortgage broking you can add that onto the loan,"Mr Swanson said."The issue in life insurance is you have to pay cash for it.

"I think we should have a policy position,if you want to treat[the industry] as professional,if someone’s paying a fee directly to an advisor... it should be tax deductible,"he said.

But executive board member of Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Geoff Summerhayes said:"It’s very difficult to get treasury to be sympathetic towards issues like tax deductibility when you have an industry that has caused the government and treasury a lot of heartache."

Meanwhile,both Mr Swanson and former APRA executive John Trowbridge affirmed the ongoing role commissions would play in life insurance.

"The need to keep commissions in place is going to be very important,"Mr Swanson said.

Mr Trowbridge said the royal commission's stance on retaining some level of commission was"the right direction".

"It said we’re not going to go to nil commission,we’d like to see a lot more advice paid for as fee-for-service,but you shouldn’t do away with commissions,you can’t,"he said.

After leaving APRA,Mr Trowbridge conducted a review into life insurance commissions. He said they still play an important role in ensuring people take out life cover.

"What we’re faced with at the moment is the prospect of people who need advice are not buying insurance,"he said."We’d get a much worse response if there were no commissions.

"I can’t see a day where there are no commissions,but I can see a day where there’s a lot more fee-for-service."

He acknowledged there were excessive commissions at the high end which should be replaced by upfront fees or dealt with by policy change.

"There’s a lot of things that could be done there,but doing away with commissions altogether,no,"he said.

The Hayne royal commission recommended the current cap on commissions be reduced to zero if possible.

Natassia Chrysanthos is the federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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