China tax'won't have an impact on demand',says Bellamy's CEO Laura McBain

Bellamy's Organic chief executive Laura McBain says demand for the company's products in China will continue to soar despite the country slappingan 11.9 per cent tax on goods bought from foreign websites.

From Friday,Beijing will impose the levy,which is aimed at eliminating the advantage held by overseas companies that to date have been subject to the same taxes as their Chinese retailers.

Bellamy's chief executive Laura McBain:The company's shares have plunged since revealing problems in China.

Bellamy's chief executive Laura McBain:The company's shares have plunged since revealing problems in China.Bret Salinger

But the tax will not be applied to products sold on the lucrative grey market,or customers selling products to one another.

Fairfax Media revealed in December that abouthalf the infant formula sold by Australian supermarkets was being onsold on the grey market to help meet soaring demand in China.

However,Ms McBain says Bellamy's legitimate e-commerce sales won't be disadvantaged when China introduces its new tax.

"Those[grey market] parcel deliveries are limited to personal use,so cannot ship commercial quantities and avoid any VAT charges,"Ms McBain said.

"It's pretty straightforward for us. We have been in China for a long time. We are very comfortable that this is something we can certainly manage.

"It won't have an impact on the demand for Bellamy's going forward."

Investor concern

Investors have been concerned that China's new tax will dent demand for the likes of Bellamy's,Blackmores and a2 Milk,which have all benefited from Asia's fast-growing middle class.

Bellamy's shares have fallen 31.2 per cent so far this year,after soaring more than 720 per cent in 2015. Meanwhile,Blackmores – which has launched an infant formula partnership with Bega Cheese – has fallen 19.4 per cent since early January,and a2 has lost 8.5 per cent in the same period.

But Ms McBain says the China tax is not entirely new. When it is introduced,she said,Beijing will scrap a 10 per cent parcels tax,which was applied on goods valued at more than 500 Chinese yuan ($100).

"For us,what it really means is any net difference for any purchases of 500 RMB is 1.9 per cent;in reality,the impact is actually quite small overall on the pricing,"Ms McBain said.

"There is a huge market opportunity that still exists for Bellamy's in China in terms of gaining additional market share."

Staying organic

Ms McBain was also confident that Bellamy's could continue to source raw organic ingredients for its products,most of which come from overseas.

She said the company was speaking with Australian farmers,and in as little as three years a"significant portion"of Bellamy's raw milk supply could be sourced domestically.

"We've had lot farmers in Tasmania and also on the mainland come and talk to us about their desire to convert to organic,"she said.

"From a company perspective,that's a great thing for us to achieve because really early in the peace it was really hard for us to convince farms to convert to organic.

"They did think we are little bit odd,this organic phenomenon,and not many people understood it. But certainly the tide has completely changed and there is a huge amount of interest in organic."

Although it takes farmers about three years to convert to organic,Ms McBain said in some cases farmers could gain full certification in about half that time.

"If a farm has been managed in a way where there hasn't been the use of pesticides – there are a lot of farms that do this,and their fertiliser regime is already organic – we can sometimes accelerate that conversion process down to as little as a 1½ to two years,"she said.

"It really does depend on the farm. In order to get real scale,though,we are really three years away. But our vision is to be able to achieve a significant portion of Bellamy's organic milk to be coming from Australian farmers."

Jared Lynch is based in Melbourne,covering food,factories and farms,as well as other company news.

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