$50b super fund demands Woodside,Santos link exec pay to emissions

Superannuation giant HESTA has demanded Australian oil and gas companies explicitly link the pay of their top executives to their performance on reducing carbon emissions or risk an investor backlash.

The $50 billion industry fund for health workers wants companies such as Woodside and Santos to follow the lead of international energy giants BP and Shell in directly tying executive remuneration to emissions reduction.

Scott Morrison is fighting to water down a Pacific Island leaders climate change statement to ensure it doesn't rule out new coal mines.

"We feel the time is right to take a strong position on this. We strongly suggest that this needs to occur,"said HESTA chief executive Debbie Blakey,adding that the fund may vote against resolutions at shareholder meetings if it is unhappy with a company's response.

"If we don't see that this year we will be considering our options. I think it is going to be an interesting voting season this year. We have been prepared to vote strongly where we believe that is required."

Large investors globally have taken an increasingly activist stance on issues such as climate change. Several large Australian superannuation funds are members of the Climate Action 100+ group which was formed to pressure companies into stronger action on greenhouse gas emissions.

Both Woodside and Santos pointed to performance metrics for their executives that encompass emissions and environmental outcomes but Ms Blakey said stronger action was overdue from Australian companies after the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommended linking pay to emissions reduction in 2017.

HESTA chief executive Debby Blakey says it's time for Australian gas and oil companies to do more.

HESTA chief executive Debby Blakey says it's time for Australian gas and oil companies to do more.Wayne Taylor

"We are saying that the Australian companies in this space might be a little bit lagging in what they are doing and what they are planning to do,"she said.

"If BP and Shell can do this and can see a way to achieve this and continue to attract top people and continue to perform as top organisations we would have to ask why the Australian organisations can't do the same.

"It really has lifted the bar. What is incredibly important is what will Australian oil and gas companies do with that that raised bar because they are lagging."

The fund had already made its position clear to both companies,she said,noting Woodside had last year said it would not endorse the TCFD approach.

"We would hope that Woodside would certainly be reconsidering,"she said.

HESTA has a $240 million holding in Woodside,which has a market capitalisation of about $30 billion,and $103 million worth of shares in Santos which is a $14 billion company.

A Woodside spokeswoman said the company had included environmental outcomes on the"corporate scorecard"that was linked to remuneration.

"Woodside is developing short and long-term emissions targets beyond 2020 and these will continue to be linked to employee remuneration,"she said in a statement.

A Santos spokeswoman said the company included emissions reduction in executive scorecards in February.

"Santos is ahead of the game,"she said.

HESTA said the Santos policy was insufficient because it did not include'scope three'emissions - carbon emitted by the company's customers. It pointed to Shell,BP and BHP as examples of companies that had included scope three emissions as part of their regimes.

Louise Davidson,chief executive of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors,said it supported the inclusion of climate-risk management in the calculation of executive pay.

For companies that are materially exposed to climate-risks,we think this makes good sense.

ACSI's Louise Davidson

"For companies that are materially exposed to climate-risks,we think this makes good sense,"she said.

Large companies,including BHP Group and Rio Tinto,have also faced pressure from activists and investors in recent years over their membership of lobby groups perceived to be unsupportive of action on climate change.

Industry fund sources said the issue was also expected to be a key issue raised at shareholder meetings later this year.

Emma Herd,chief executive at the Investor Group on Climate Change,said it was frustrating to be told a company had a position and then see a contrary stance taken by their lobby group on behalf of members.

"We are asking them to say when they don't agree with their industry association,"she said.

On Wednesday,the Australian Conservation Foundation wrote to the chief executives of ANZ bank,National Australia Bank,Westpac Banking Corp,Telstra Corp,Woolworths,Coles Group,Medibank,Coca Cola Amatil and Qantas calling on the companies to cancel their membership of the Business Council of Australia (BCA).

"These companies are committed to become more environmentally responsible,but the BCA is not representing their goals and ambitions,"said the foundation's chief executive Kelly O’Shanassy.

"Over the past decade the BCA has consistently sought to weaken Australia’s already inadequate environment laws."

The BCA said that it was being targeted because the organisation had sought to be transparent about the costs required to transition to a low-emissions economy.

"We support strong action on climate change combined with solutions to curtail the rapid growth in energy costs and measures to improve the reliability of electricity supply in Australia,"the organisation said.

Woolworths said in response to the letter,it considers climate change to be a critical board-level issue for the company to deal with and was focused on reducing emission across its business.

"We work with the BCA on a wide range of important policy matters. In doing so,we recognise we won't always hold the same position on every issue,"Woolworths said in a statement.

Meanwhile,Coles said its BCA membership allowed them to"contribute constructively"to policy development that would improve the lives of all Australians.

"Since 2009,our greenhouse emissions have reduced by more than 30 per cent,and we met our 2020 target for emissions reduction four years early in 2016,"the company said.

Mathew Dunckley is deputy editor and investigations editor at The Age. He was previously digital editor at the Age,national business editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age and Melbourne bureau chief for the Australian Financial Review.

Ben Weir is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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