ACCC pumps brakes on GrainCorp's $350m terminal deal

Agribusiness giant GrainCorp's plan to sell its liquid terminals business has hit problems after the competition watchdog flagged concerns about the deal's impact on east coast customers.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on Thursday released a statement of issues raising concerns about ANZ Terminals’ $350 million bid to for GrainCorp's liquid terminals business that was announced in March.

GrainCorp's proposed sale has run into ACCC trouble.

GrainCorp's proposed sale has run into ACCC trouble.Pat Scala

Both companies provide portside bulk liquid storage services in NSW,Victoria and South Australia,where the ACCC said they competed to store liquids,including edible oils,tallow,non-flammable industrial chemicals and base oils.

ANZ Terminals has pledged to sell a facility in South Australia but the ACCC still holds concerns about the impact of the deal there and in other states.

"Our preliminary view is that the acquisition will remove a significant competitor in what is an already-concentrated industry in NSW,Victoria,and South Australia,"ACCC chairman Rod Sims said in a statement.

"In some locations,the acquisition will lead to ANZ Terminals becoming the only storage provider for some liquid products. This loss of competition could result in higher prices for customers,or lower levels of service."

This loss of competition could result in higher prices for customers,or lower levels of service.

ACCC"s Rod Sims

Raising another issue,the ACCC noted there was limited land on offer to any new would-be competitor to the newly merged company if the deal were approved.

"Even where land may be available,it is highly uncertain that any new entrants would emerge in the bulk liquids sector to challenge ANZ Terminals,"Mr Sims said.

"The proposed undertaking does not address the preliminary concerns we have in NSW and Victoria,"he said.

In a statement to the ASX,GrainCorp said it noted the ACCC's release,saying it was a"procedural step".

"The company has been and will continue to work closely with the ACCC to provide the information it requires as it works through its consideration of the transaction,"the statement said.

The proposed sale also remains subject to Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) and other conditions. The ACCC is expected to make a decision by October.

In a statement ANZ Terminals said it was committed to obtaining the approvals it needed to get the deal over the line.

"ANZ Terminals acknowledges the importance of the ACCC process and continues to engage with the ACCC in its review of the proposed acquisition,"the statement said.

GrainCorp's share price fell 1.93 per cent to $8.63 on Thursday.

Mathew Dunckley is deputy editor and investigations editor at The Age. He was previously digital editor at the Age,national business editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age and Melbourne bureau chief for the Australian Financial Review.

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