Fortescue boss optimistic of thawing in China-Australia relationship

Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Elizabeth Gaines is optimistic a new US president and new Australian trade minister will help thaw frosty relations between Australia and its biggest trading partner China.

Federal Trade Minister Dan Tehan was given the portfolio in December and last week it was revealed he had written to new Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao in an attempt to re-establish a dialogue with the superpower following months of mounting trade tensions.

Fortescue Metals Group CEO Elizabeth Gaines.

Fortescue Metals Group CEO Elizabeth Gaines.Philip Gostelow

Speaking after the company posted a record 90.7 million tonnes of iron ore exports from July to December 2020,Ms Gaines said Mr Tehan’s appointment and the inauguration of US President Joe Biden were encouraging.

“We have a new trade minister,I think there are opportunities for broader engagement and I think,as I said,there is a recognition of the importance of trade and there has been commentary to that effect,” she said.

“Recently we’ve got a new president in the White House as well and I notice President Biden has talked about having strategic patience and adopting a multilateralism approach.

“I think more broadly the signs are more encouraging for some improvements of that relationship.”

Mr Tehan said last week he was not going to put a timeline on repairing the relationship.

While trade tensions have resulted in brutal tariffs and blocks to coal,wine,beef,rock lobster and barley exports,iron ore has so far remained untouched,which has seen Fortescue’s revenue soar.

The company,whose biggest shareholder is billionaire Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest,shipped 46.4 million tonnes of iron ore from the Pilbara in the December quarter,exceeding analysts’ expectations of 44 million tonnes and helping it reach the half year record.

Revenue per tonne increased 15 per cent compared to the September quarter after hitting an average of $US122 a tonne.

The high price and record shipments were a result of China’s hungry steel industry,which produced a record 1053 million tonnes of crude steel in 2020.

Earlier this month the company revealed it expected to rake in between $4 billion and $4.1 billion over the first half of the financial year.

Ms Gaines and analysts were bullish about continued demand for the commodity.

“We’re not seeing any indication of a slow down in demand,” she said.

UBS resources analyst Glyn Lawcock said the iron ore market would remain tight for 2021 as Chinese steel production rates reach pre-COVID levels and Brazil’s Vale,Australia’s biggest competitor,continues to struggle with supply due to COVID and tailings dam collapses.

Mr Lawcock said iron ore would be a hard commodity for China to target given Australian imports made up more than 60 per cent of their consumption.

FMG’s export guidance remained at 175 million to 180 million tonnes and production costs were expected to sit between $US13 to $US13.50 for the full year assuming the Australian dollar trades at 70 cents against the US dollar.

Fortescue exported a record amount of iron ore in the half year.

Fortescue exported a record amount of iron ore in the half year.Ian Waldie

The good news was tempered by the company announcing a review of its $US2.6 billion ($3.4 billion) Iron Bridge magnetite project that will assess cost and schedule impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,the strength of the Australian dollar and access to resources and specialist skills.

Fortescue shares dropped 36 cents,or 1.56 per cent,to $22.73.

Hamish Hastie is WAtoday's state political reporter and the winner of five WA Media Awards,including the 2023 Beck Prize for best political journalism.

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