Why AMP still needs to strike a deal with a'zombie hunter'

Senior business columnist

If,assome AMP institutional investors are suggesting,AMP should retain and liquidate its life and mature insurance businesses itself rather than sell them,why have dozens of its peers around the globe sold their life insurance books to"zombie hunters"?

The option of retaining the businesses that the troubled wealth manager planned to sell to Resolution Life for $3.3 billion was canvassed by AMP itselfwhen it announced last month that the deal was unlikely to proceed. That surprise announcement came after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand insisted it would only approve the deal if the NZ assets were"ring-fenced"and separately capitalised. AMP's New Zealand business has been operated as a branch since the mid-1800s.

AMP is under pressure from shareholders.

AMP is under pressure from shareholders.Erin Jonasson

Those shareholders who believed that the original deal under-sold the value of the business are now urging AMP to emulate Resolution’s strategy and run down the assets of the businesses itself rather than renegotiate the deal and accept an inevitably lower price.

The price would be lower because,in announcing the hurdle the RBNZ has placed in front of the deal,AMP also disclosed that"best estimate"assumption changes had reduced the valuation of the businesses by another $700 million.

Under the original deal,Resolution effectively underwrote the performance of the businesses from July last year and would have worn changes in their value. In a renegotiation,the starting point for the conversation would probably be about $1 billion lower,given the changes to their value and the impact of the RBNZ’s stance.

AMP has essentially been running the life and mature businesses as closed books for some time,writing little new business,so the urgings of some of its institutional shareholders that it should retain them aren’t fanciful.

Around the world,however,there have probably been more than 100 transactions over the past 20 years where life insurance books have been sold to buyers like Resolution,which pioneered the acquisition-based closed-book,"zombie hunting",strategy. Those vendors presumably looked at the option of running the books down themselves and rejected it.

There are a number of reasons why they might have chosen to sell rather than hold.

Life insurance is a difficult and shrinking business,impacted by the changes in the way savings have increasingly been aggregated within pension and superannuation funds and diverted from life insurers over the past several decades.

In this market,competition – there are about 30 life insurers – spikes in claims and lapse rates and regulatory requirements have made it a low-returning but very capital-intensive business. AMP’s own life business lost $176 million last year.

Increasingly,the global life sector is being consolidated by companies like Resolution,Swiss Re,the UK’s Phoenix and private equity players with closed book strategies.

The vendors sell because they can’t see a viable future for their businesses,or see better returns from the capital released by the sales elsewhere.

When France’s AXA sold its UK life business to Resolution for $US4 billion in 2010,for instance,it was because it saw a better opportunity in the Australian-listed AXA Asia Pacific’s Asian operations.

In AMP’s case,the original appeal of the Resolution deal was that it would both release a decent lump of low-returning capital (and extinguish the potential that it might have to inject more capital in the future) and remove a major and complex distraction for the incoming chief executive,Francesco De Ferrari,so that he could concentrate on restructuring AMP’s more contemporary wealth management operations.

It would also help fund the $780 million or so of remediation costs associated with the'fees for no service'scandal and poor advice within those operations,as well as their restructuring.

AMP's chief executive Francesco De Ferrari needs the capital the deal with Resolution would have released. He doesn't need the distraction of the life businesses.

AMP's chief executive Francesco De Ferrari needs the capital the deal with Resolution would have released. He doesn't need the distraction of the life businesses.Janie Barrett

If AMP retains the insurance and mature businesses it may have to raise capital from its shareholders. Had the sale of the life assets gone through it would have been returning capital to shareholders,not asking them for it.

There is another strand to the explanation of why life insurers sell rather than hold and that relates to the nature of the business.

There is a cost to acquiring new customers in life insurance. It may take several years to recoup those costs —marketing,commissions and then other expenses of writing new business – although the long tail nature of life policies means that those costs should be more than recovered over time.

If an insurer stops writing new business perhaps because - as was the case with AMP - that business is no longer attractive,initially the profitability of the book will increase sharply because it’s no longer carrying the costs of the new customer acquisitions. Over time the shrinking of the book will enable capital to be released.

As the book runs down,however,the costs don’t reduce at the same rate – they are largely fixed both by the need to continue to service customers and administer policies,but also to meet regulatory requirements. The surge in profitability tapers off quite quickly.

The zombie hunters’ model addresses that problem by acquiring new customers en masse - buying entire life books that they can add to their existing platforms.

Given that they are then closed to new business and that the acquirer can access efficiencies from adding them to their own operations,they produce strong and predictable long term cash flows and capital releases,which makes them attractive to pension and super funds with long term liabilities looking for consistent yield.

It is that characteristic that led a number of Australian funds to invest in a capital raising Resolution made to fund recent US acquisitions. And it helps explain why,along with fresh discussions with AMP and other life insurers,Resolution’s founder,Sir Clive Cowdery,is in Australia talking to fund managers and potential vendors.

It also suggests that,while AMP could retain its life and mature businesses and run them for cash and capital releases,the businesses should be less valuable to AMP than they would be to a Resolution. Particularly once the opportunity cost of keeping that capital tied up and,perhaps,having to raise new capital to fund its other businesses,is factored in.

That doesn’t mean a new deal could be done on terms acceptable to AMP (if not some of its noisier shareholders). But it does suggest that,if a realistic assessment of the current value of the businesses is made,one is at least feasible.

Stephen Bartholomeusz is one of Australia’s most respected business journalists. He was most recently co-founder and associate editor of the Business Spectator website and an associate editor and senior columnist at The Australian.

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