Is PayPass the enemy of the young?

Is PayPass the enemy of saving for the young? Last month my 19-year-old son attended the Splendour in the Grass festival in Byron Bay. Alcoholic drinks on sale were all a flat $10.50. No one,he said,paid with cash. Drink after drink was paid for by swiping. He calculated the average number of drinks every day was easily 10 for each person. And the festival ran for three days.

The trend towards cashless payments is particularly evident among the young.

The trend towards cashless payments is particularly evident among the young.Andy Zakeli

I guarantee none of those young adults thought about what alcohol was costing them over the festival. Add to that food,accommodation,transport and the $300 ticket price,you’re looking at a minimum spend of $1,000 and likely much more if you travelled from interstate. All of it to be paid for some time in the future.

I don’t begrudge young people their fun. My son studies and holds down two jobs. If that’s how he wants to spend his money,it’s his prerogative. However,it’s the incidental spending,the swipe spending that’s as common to their generation as taking saved-up pocket money to the milk bar for a bag of mixed lollies was to ours. A weekly bag of mixed lollies though wasn’t going to send us broke.

Uber and Uber Eats have transformed the travel and takeaway culture. The 16-34 age group make up two thirds of Uber’s US user base and close to 60 per cent of users in Australia are under 35. And everything is paid for electronically. Students at some schools are eschewing the tuck shop for an Uber Eats delivery!

The evidence is conclusive that we spend more when we pay electronically. Sydney University professor of marketing and behavioural psychology Donnel Brileysays that spending could be up 40-50 per cent,particularly on small and non-essential items,for cashless payment methods rather than old-fashioned notes and coins. Most young people have enough trouble maintaining their schedules and being punctual let alone keeping track of incidental spending. How can they possibly monitor the swipe purchases of takeaway coffees,brunches and cocktails when the impact of them is delayed?

Splendour in the Grass is Australia's biggest music festival and a cashless spending bonanza.

Splendour in the Grass is Australia's biggest music festival and a cashless spending bonanza.Splendour in the Grass

Australian Tax Office research this year reveals that only one in five Australians still prefer using cash for purchases. This trend towards cashless payments is particularly evident among people under 35,who carry the least amount of cash. Indeed,a survey of about a thousand US adults,in 2014,found that more than half of those younger than 30 preferred cards to cash even for transactions of less than $5.

The Scandinavian countries are on the verge eliminating paper currency all together. Cash use in Australia has fallen by a third in a period of six years.

A cashless society in the near future appears to be an inevitability. We need to focus on ensuring young people understand the implications of deferred payment. Otherwise it will be more than smashed avo on toast to blame for the dearth of home deposits. Instead blame will be cast on swiped coffees,cocktails and a life lived on credit with no capacity to get ahead.

Liora Miller is a project manager at an independent school and a freelance writer.

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