Extra markets up for grabs in WIN-Ten negotiations

Up to $13 million in affiliation fees that were paid to Nine Entertainment by WIN Corporation last year remain in the balance in markets where the metropolitan broadcaster's new regional partner Southern Cross Austereo does not operate or has existing partnerships.

As revealed online by Fairfax Media,Nine and Southern Cross signed a historic affiliate agreement last Friday,with metropolitan broadcaster Nine breaking its long-standing partnership with Bruce Gordon's WIN,which must now strike a deal to broadcast Network Ten's signals to regional Australia.

Bruce Gordon's WIN is negotiating with Network Ten.

Bruce Gordon's WIN is negotiating with Network Ten.Ken Robertson

As WIN steps up its negotiations with Ten – executives met last week and will continue talks this week – large regional areas in South Australia,Western Australia,Tasmania,Mildura and Griffith are still up for negotiation with WIN.

In Western Australia and Mildura,WIN has joint-venture arrangements with Prime Media which run Network Ten programming and in Tasmania WIN has a partnership with Southern Cross to also run Ten content. Southern Cross also has an affiliate deal with the Seven Network in Tasmania.

WIN also broadcasts its own channels,currently with Nine programming,in these areas.

In large areas of South Australia,including Mount Gambier and the Riverland,WIN has affiliate deals with all three metro broadcasters. Southern Cross has similar arrangements around the state's Spencer Gulf area.

The additional areas will play an important role in WIN's negotiations with Ten for an affiliate deal.

Sources said that if Ten is able to secure those extra areas in its agreement with WIN it would settle for a lower percentage of the regional broadcaster's television revenue as a fee because the overall market would be larger.

However,it is understood that Ten may seek to extract a number more akin to the 50 per cent Nine will get from Southern Cross if it is not able to secure those extra areas in a new agreement and WIN made a deal with Nine.

Southern Cross are currently paying Ten 34 per cent of television revenues. In the first half of the 2016 financial revenue,Southern Cross had television revenues of $104.3 million.

Deutsche Bank estimates that WIN currently pays an affiliate fee of around 45 per cent of revenues – however there are various cash and contra arrangements between the two parties. Others have estimated WIN is only paying 39 per cent.

​With talks set to intensify,the lower-rating Ten will likely underpin its pitch on the ratings improvement it has achieved over the past 18 months.The network has grown its audience with the help of shows such asThe Bachelor,I'm a Celebrity,Get Me Out of Here,Masterchef,as well as the great success of the Big Bash League cricket tournament.

While both parties will be looking to strike the best deal they can for themselves,with Ten pushing for a greater cut of WIN's revenue and the regional broadcaster pushing for the opposite,negotiations between the two are understood to be progressing well.

The two have an ongoing relationship,with Bruce Gordon owning 14.99 per cent of Ten,as well as the 14.99 per cent stake he owns in Nine.

Max Mason covers insolvency,courts,regulation,financial crime,cybercrime and corporate wrongdoing. A Walkley Award winner,Max's journalism has also received awards from the National Press Club of Australia,the Kennedy Awards and Citibank. Message Max on Signal https://tinyurl.com/MaxMason

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