The illusion of control in committee meetings

There aren’t many invitations to a meeting at work that make people squirm more than those with “committee” in the subject line. Comprising agendas and motions and movers and seconders,these are a few of people’s least favourite things. With points of (dis)order and matters arising,with general business and quorums and minutes,these are seriously hardly anyone’s favourite things.

Yet they exist,complete with the typical clichés one must endure in these forums like taking certain issues offline and then circling back,like pushing the envelope and stepping up to the plate,like having the bandwidth to forge paradigm shifts.

An invitation to a committee meeting can make people squirm.

An invitation to a committee meeting can make people squirm.iStock

But those are really only a collection of grumpy gripes. A set of trivial irritants that do little more than test our patience and tolerance.

There’s a separate,darker factor of greater consequence at play. Power. Specifically who among the committee members wields it. Because it isn’t always obvious.

The reason for that can be attributed to the purpose of the committee’s establishment which is generally associated with shared decision making,consultation practices and the oversight of organisational processes. It effectively exists to dilute a leader’s power;not to strengthen it.

This is where the difference between formal power and real power emerges. The formal variety resides with an official officeholder,usually reflected by a title such as “Chair” which is undoubtedly the most common. The latter – real power – is incognisant of titles and is instead represented by influence,the type of influence that might be unobservable but no less effective. It doesn’t require any formal leadership position whatsoever. Just clever politicking.

The manner in which that eventuates is detailed in the findings of researchto be published soon in theLeadership Quarterlyjournal. The scholars conducted two experiments,the first of which involved 96 individuals who participated in decision-making forums that simulated a standard committee meeting. At an average of 70 minutes,even the duration was similar.

In 56 per cent of decisions requiring a vote,it was the Chair’s preferred option that won. Of these,only 21 per cent were because the Chair had tie-breaking power. The vast majority of victories – 79 per cent – were due to the “compliant or conformist behaviour” of the committee members.

That indirect yet significant influence can be explained by the way the Chair was appointed to the role. In short,a preliminary skill-based contest was held prior to the simulation with the winner assigned as the Chair which legitimised their appointment and strengthened the credibility of their voting preferences.

In the second experiment,120 participants performed a similar exercise,only this time the role of Chair was randomly assigned without a contest beforehand and yet the outcome was relatively the same. The Chair got their way more often than any other committee member (at 48 per cent).

On this occasion the trend was attributed to the opposite effect – a lack of power among the committee members – manifested as “the desire of the powerless to establish or maintain identification with the powerful. Voting for the Chair’s most preferred alternative can thus be interpreted as a consequence of regular members’ desire to identify with the power holder.”

Even when that power holder was appointed to the role illegitimately. And even when the committee members were offered cash incentives to go against the Chair’s wishes.

The researchers refer to it as the “illusion of control” which leads people to act “against their material self-interests” based on who they “perceive” to be holding the greatest power. Sure,it’s more likely to be the Chair or the leader. But it can also be the colleague who’s most senior or most experienced or most accomplished or most feared or most loved. Anyone but themselves.

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