When bad news can be good news at work

Among the most common Hollywood clichés is the nervous “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” and the frantic “there’s no time to explain!” But then there’s also this:“What do you want first? The good news or the bad news?” While the answer often varies,in the workplace what ought to be invariable is the latter. The bad news. Especially if that bad news is about the organisation.

What happens when negative feedback is about an organisation?

What happens when negative feedback is about an organisation?Alamy

At an individual level,it’s already well established that negative feedback can improve an employee’s performance. So long as the feedback is credible. So long as the person delivering it is trusted. And so long as the employee’s self-esteem and confidence are preserved.

In contrast,what’s yet to be established is the outcome that emerges when negative feedback is not at all about the individual but about the organisation,specifically the organisation’s past. When people at work are informed of their employer’s failures,does that awareness motivate them to work harder to reverse their employer’s historical misfortunes?

It’s an important line of inquiry because it’d be reasonable for a manager to expect that disclosing such information may have the opposite effect,that staff could lose their motivation if they subsequently feel they’re working for a hopeless business,one without hope.

Or if not that dramatic,employees may simply remain neutral and unaffected because they perceive their ability to make a difference at an organisational level to be limited. They’re one person in what they view as a hierarchy of dozens,hundreds,thousands – a hierarchy where decisions are restricted to managers and leaders.

This is where researchdue to be published soon in the highly citedLeadership Quarterly journal comes in. It comprised three studies,the first of which involved a volunteering agency that posted 12,500 letters to households seeking support but only had a take-up rate of 0.01 per cent.

The researchers recruited 70 workers to embark on a remunerated phone campaign,half of whom were told about the agency’s prior failure. The other half were kept uninformed. Those who were fully informed ended up completing 20 per cent more interviews than their counterparts,leading the researchers to conclude that “providing information on past organisational failure increases work performance rather than dampening it”.

To overcome the relatively small sample of workers,they conducted a second study at a university where a petition with an objective of collecting 12,500 signatures only managed to reach 350. This time the scholars recruited twice as many participants who were instead asked to write a letter advocating for the cause. Half were told about the petition’s failure;the rest were not.

The results were again unambiguous. The number of letters written among those made aware of the prior failure exceeded their peers by 30 per cent. And that outperformance extended to the quantity of words,with those privy to the negative history penning letters that were 50 per cent longer.

These astonishing outcomes were replicated in the third study which expanded the sample size to 557 people via an online instrument that tested their reactions to several hypothetical scenarios,with little difference found between for-profit companies and benevolent not-for-profits.

This reinforced the researchers’ conclusions that the “disclosure of information on past organisational failure does not do any harm … It can even raise the subsequent performance of workers or volunteers and therefore managers should adopt practices that facilitate transparency – especially since employees appreciate organisational transparency.”

Or you can keep it a secret. But,as the researchers warn,if employees find out from someone else,you would have lost complete control of the message (and the opportunity to leverage it).

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