An oil shock may be enough to push the global economy into recession

TheUS has now categorically accused Iran of staging a swarm attack of 20 drones and a dozen missiles on the Saudi separation plant at Abqaiq,the biggest oil operation in the world. The Saudis have in turnstated the weapons used were Iranian. They deny the assault was an autonomous action by the Shia-aligned Houthis in Yemen,Iranian military proxies in any case. The Middle East is therefore on a war footing.

The long-festering contest for Gulf dominance between the Shia and Sunni regional powers is coming to a head.

The long-festering contest for Gulf dominance between the Shia and Sunni regional powers is coming to a head.AP

This is not a"black swan"event. It became predictable after US President Donald Trump chose to tear up the nuclear accord with Iran,shut down 2 million barrels a day of Iranian oil exports and throw US strategic might behind Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

It is more like a Middle East"Sarajevo"moment. The long-festering contest for Gulf dominance between the Shia and Sunni regional powers is coming to a head.

Oil markets cannot"price"this explosive situation. Capital Economics sketched out three drastically different scenarios:rapid repairs and a return to normal in a week,causing oil to settle at $US60 a barrel;the disruption drags on for months,pushing oil to $US85;or an escalation to military conflict,pushing oil to $US150 by the end of the year. As of Tuesday,we are closer to scenario three. Iran has slapped the impulsive and autocratic crown prince in the face. The Revolutionary Guard have shown they can circumvent the Patriot and Hawk missile defences of Saudi Arabia's gold-plated military and strike Aramco's nerve centre.

This was not a one-off attack. The main East-West pipeline was hit by drones in May. The Shaybah field was hit last month. A security force of 30,000 dedicated to energy infrastructure cannot hold the line.

The Aramco attacks can be repeated – or the Iranians may go further. The National Security Agency says they have one of the five best cyber-warfare units in the world. Former CIA chief James Woolsey told me the Iranians can paralyse Saudi infrastructure through electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weaponry. They can knock out the power system by unleashing solar storms from orbiting satellites or even balloons launched from boats.

So the judgment for markets is geopolitical. How will the crown prince respond to an existential challenge? How far will the Iranians escalate having made their point? Has Tehran concluded – like many others – that Trump is all hat and no cattle?

"I don't want war with anybody,"he said on Monday. Hours before,Trump tweeted the USis"locked and loaded" and ready to defend its regional allies against attack. Price this if you can.

More than 5 per cent of global crude supply has been shut off at a time when declared spare capacity is 2 per cent – a thin level by historical standards. Most of this Opec buffer is in Saudi Arabia itself and is disputed by sceptics in any case. If the Saudis can indeed repair most of the damage in a couple of weeks or even a month,the world can handle the fallout this time.

Saudi Arabia’s energy minister said the country has managed to restore oil supplies to where they stood before weekend attacks.

The deepening industrial recession in China,east Asia and Europe is already suppressing demand. The OECD states together have stocks of 2.93 billion barrels,although Chinese stocks are lower because their depots are still under construction. The contrast between Chinese dependency on oil imports and US self-sufficiency from shale could soon alter how we view the strategic balance of power.

I have argued that market signalling has broken down in the oil industry. The price barometer has not been capturing rising war fever in the Gulf or the risk Trump could lose control of his own policy.

We are now at a juncture where an oil shock may be enough to push a fragile global economy into recession. This would be the stress test from hell for the unreformed eurozone.


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