The top 5 reasons why house prices keep going up and up

There are a few things in life that are quintessentially Australian – among them Vegemite,the Sydney Opera House and discussing the runaway property market.

Nationally,the typical price for a house reached $899,510 in the March quarter,based on Domain’s median price figures,while a recent report from the University of NSW foundhome ownership was now out of reach for most people under the age of 35.

It’s worse in Sydney where a typical house now costs $1.3 million and a typical apartment about $750,000,while in Melbourne it’s $974,400 for houses and $568,790 for units.

Interest rate falls make housing more affordable for investors and boost the purchasing power of owner-occupiers - until prices rise to compensate.

Interest rate falls make housing more affordable for investors and boost the purchasing power of owner-occupiers - until prices rise to compensate.Peter Rae

House prices have outstripped income growth since the mid-1990s,contributing to a 4 per cent drop in national home ownership.

But while the conversations at backyard barbeques often involve a bit of head scratching or disbelief,there is really no mystery. The simple economic answer is demand is outstripping supply. The deeper question is why demand has increased and why supply has not risen to meet that demand.

Hugh Hartigan,a senior adviser at the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation,says housing serves two purposes:it’s a financial asset and provides shelter.

Demand for shelter increases when the population rises,while demand for housing as a financial asset is heavily influenced by economic factors,particularly interest rates.

1. Access to credit

When it comes to property prices,interest rates are the new “location,location,location”. Domain’s senior research analyst Nicola Powell says research shows interest rates are the key driver for the property cycle,with “cheap money and ready availability of credit” pushing prices up.

Securing the same size loan at a cheaper rate makes rental yields more attractive to investors,while lower rates increase the borrowing capacity for owner-occupiers to buy a bigger home or outbid competitors for the home they want.

Time and time again the Australian housing market has proven that lower interest rates are rocket fuel for property prices. The current boom over the past six months is an excellent example. Population growth has stalled since the COVID-19 pandemic,wages are stagnant and yet house prices are smashing new records. The main explanation is the fall in the Reserve Bank’s cash rate to 0.1 per cent last November.

There are good reasons for interest rate settings that have nothing to do with the housing market. The Reserve Bank cuts interest rates to boost employment and spending and increase inflation,not to boost property prices. It’s also happening in a global context of ultra-low interest rates.

Some people argue that lower interest rates make housing more affordable because they make repayments lower. There are now many home loan rates that start with a 2 and even a 1. However,Brendan Coates,the economic policy program director at the Grattan Institute think tank,says the people who benefit most from lower rates are existing homeowners. As interest rates fall,their repayments became progressively cheaper,while the value of their property soars.

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For prospective buyers who are still saving for a deposit,interest rate cuts push home ownership further out of reach. “It widens the gap between the housing haves and have nots,” Coates says.

Access to credit is also determined by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,which gives banks a set of rules to follow when granting a loan. APRA has the power to dampen the market in the short term but Coates says the mechanism generally loses effectiveness over time as banks find ways around it and non-bank lenders fill unmet demand.

2. Population growth

The main factor that increases demand over the long term is population growth because it means more people need a place to live. Last year the national population grew by 0.5 per cent,mostly the result of natural increase. From the turn of the Millenium up until the start of the pandemic in March 2020,it was growing at 1.5 to 2 per cent a year and Sydney and Melbourne took a large proportion of that. Usually most of the population growth comes from immigration,which ground to a halt last year.

The national immigration policy is determined by a great many economic and social factors,not necessarily connected to housing. Immigration has many benefits,from economic growth to greater cultural diversity. But there are also trade-offs,such as the increased demand for dwellings.

Peter Tulip,the chief economist of the Centre for Independent Studies,has studied the effect of immigration on house prices. He looked at the period from 2005 to 2018 when immigration accelerated from an annual intake of about 120,000 to almost 190,000 a year. He found that if this had not occurred,rents would be 9 per cent lower and this would flow on to purchase prices.

3. Planning controls

There is always a lag when supply catches up to demand and planning controls can exacerbate that by constraining supply from meeting that demand. In the context of Australian cities,this means restrictions on higher density.

Tulip believes the biggest cause of housing unaffordability is that developers are not allowed to build high-rise apartments in most areas. “The main reason we have these planning restrictions is because local neighbours insist on preserving neighbourhood character and these arguments ignore the interest of people not involved in the decision – potential buyers,” Tulip says. “But preservation of neighbourhood character is actually worth very little for neighbourhood amenity.”

Tulip points to apartment developments in Sydney areas such as Forest Lodge near Glebe,Chatswood and Green Square. Despite community opposition,property prices have since risen in those areas,in line with the neighbouring suburbs where the apartments were not built. Tulip says this indicates the apartment blocks did not diminish amenity.

Some areas of Sydney have an aversion to high density living.

Some areas of Sydney have an aversion to high density living.Bloomberg

However,concerns about amenity include the question of green space,something that is even more precious for apartment dwellers than backyard owners and has come to the fore since the pandemic.Previous analysis byThe Sun-Heraldhas revealed inner city council areas in Sydney taking the brunt of higher density are also the ones with the least amount of public open space per existing resident. Many schools are also straining at the seams with demountables taking up a lot of playground space.

Hartigan agrees more density is needed but says the mega-apartment developments could be counterproductive. “It could actually exacerbate the problem around NIMBYism because people drive past them and think ‘oh my god I don’t want my suburb to become like that’,” he says. “Do we want to live in a city where we’ve got 20 Hong Kong-style concentrated areas within cities,and then a whole bunch of local government areas with 1000-metre blocks,or do we want something that’s more balanced?” Hartigan says it would be more equitable if there was medium density across the city rather than pockets of high density and pockets of low density.

4. Tax policy

Australia’s tax policies favour property investment over investment in other assets. Negative gearing means an investor can write off investment losses against their income,making it tax effective. Technically you can negatively gear shares but it is a lot more difficult. The rationale is it is the same as generating a business loss:you only pay tax on profits. The counter-argument is the losses are deliberate.

Negative gearing works hand in hand with capital gains tax (CGT). Usually investors would avoid a loss but they make an exception because they are speculating on a capital gain a few years down the track. When they get that capital gain,they have to pay CGT on the increase in value. But for individuals who have held the asset for 12 months,the tax is halved. The rate is the same as the individual’s marginal tax rate,which means they can also time the sale for a year with lower income.

Self-managed super funds can also buy property and negatively gear,though the capital gains tax discount is less.

Many economists believe tax policy should be reformed to be more neutral,to encourage investment in a wider range of assets besides property. However,the impact on house prices would be small. Grattan research suggests if negative gearing were abolished and capital gains tax discount reduced from 50 to 25 per cent,property prices would be 2 per cent lower. “Those tax concessions are only worth a few billion dollars a year in the context of the $7 trillion housing market,” Coates says.

The problem with policies like first-home buyer grants is they are likely to increase demand and therefore push up prices further.

5. Age pension

While tax policy increases demand for housing as a financial asset,the eligibility rules for the age pension discourage homeowners from selling. The family home is not counted in the age pension assets test,so someone in Dubbo with a $300,000 house is treated the same as someone in Balmain with a $3 million house.

Renters also get the short straw because they are only allowed an additional $214,500 in assets to compensate for not having a house,though they may receive rental assistance.

This encourages retirees to stay in their big homes and even to upsize or renovate if they need to reduce cash holdings. “A huge motivation is to pass on inheritances to their kids,” Coates says.

That’s perfectly rational and individuals are not to blame but in an ideal world pension policy would be neutral and not penalise people for downsizing.

However,most experts believe it would not have a huge effect on the price of houses because retirees stay in their homes for other reasons as well,and not all retirees access the pension.

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Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She has previously worked for BRW and The Australian Financial Review.

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