An impressive job title is no excuse for bad manners

How do I respond to a boss with no manners?

How do I respond to a boss with no manners?iStock


Our head of department is an accomplished woman,no doubt. She has achieved a lot in her career and in some ways I'm proud to say she's my boss (albeit three levels above my actual boss).

But she has what I consider to be poor manners. She closes doors in people's faces,she talks over everyone (in meetings and in social chats) and seems to have an aversion to words like"please"and"thank you". Sometimes she throws scrunched up paper on the ground and says"Someone less busy than me will pick that up".

Look,I'm not her Mum and maybe I'm being too much of a"snowflake"(her often-used word,not mine),but is this behaviour that should be called out?

Illustration:John Shakespeare


I'm not sure that being accomplished in your career,or being exceptional in any field for that matter,gives you some kind of common courtesy dispensation. A person's talents and industry may allow them to take up a position of high responsibility,and that responsibility may bring about pressure,but that doesn't excuse closing doors in colleagues'faces or being a deliberately obnoxious litterer.

'No you're not a snowflake and yes this behaviour should be called out.'

As for you being a"snowflake",the problem I have with laughing off bad manners as"a bit of fun"or"nothing to worry about"is that tolerance can be viewed as tacit endorsement. Some particularly unpleasant people will be encouraged by it;they'll take it as a licence to go further. And,of course,they're the sort of people who'll scream"WELL,WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING?!"when the bullying or harassment claim inevitably comes.

But I want to make it clear that's me doing amateur psychology. Here's organisational and counselling psychologist Jasmine Sliger doing psychology of the professional variety:

"No you're not a snowflake and yes this behaviour should be called out."The question is,says Jasmine,"are you the one to do it?"

"It's annoying to see our leaders act in such a manner. Leaders have a powerful influence on an organisation's culture. They set the tone for how employees perceive their work experience,so leadership and culture go hand in hand."

This is not just a matter of the leadership of the person being uncouth,says Jasmine,but of management across your organisation.

"I am sure that your bosses see this behaviour clearly. Why have they put up with this behaviour when they are empowered in their role to call it out?

"There are some battles you can fight and win and some that you can't. Using a military analogy,a private doesn't call out a general's poor behaviour;only another general can do this."

That doesn't mean you're totally powerless,Jasmine says.

"If youdo find that you have some influence with another boss,let him or her know how bad this behaviour is for the culture of your organisation. But make sure that it is anonymous and you are safe in doing so."

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