Finkel energy review is a political fix,but it's a crucial one

Finkel energy review is a political fix,but it's a crucial one

The Chief Scientist says otherwise,but this is a political fix – and an understandable one.

  • byAdam Morton


Households to save under Clean Energy Target,but questions loom for Turnbull over Paris

Households to save under Clean Energy Target,but questions loom for Turnbull over Paris

Australian households could save about $90 a year,or up to $1000 on their electricity bills over a decade to 2030 under a Clean Energy Target proposed by the Finkel review of the electricity sector,compared to a business-as-usual scenario.

  • byJames Massola,Adam Morton andHeath Aston
Scientists warn greater glider faces extinction and want it protected from logging

Scientists warn greater glider faces extinction and want it protected from logging

A combination of land-clearing,logging and the rising threat of bushfires linked to climate change has triggered an 80 per cent population crash in the greater glider.

  • byAdam Morton
Trump's Paris climate withdrawal changes everything - and nothing

Trump's Paris climate withdrawal changes everything - and nothing

There will be unpredictable consequences,but also a couple of obvious upshots.

  • byAdam Morton
Turnbull government to allow green bank to fund'clean coal'

Turnbull government to allow green bank to fund'clean coal'

The Turnbull government to allow green bank to invest in carbon capture and storage.

  • byAdam Morton andPeter Hannam
A future for Australia's refugee program? Private sponsorship costing $100,000

A future for Australia's refugee program? Private sponsorship costing $100,000

Sam Al Maraee says he is lucky. When his parents and sisters in Baghdad faced death threats unless they embraced Islamic State's perverted brand of Islam,he had the means to give them a chance most of the world's 21 million refugees will never have.

  • byAdam Morton
Direct action fund would cost taxpayers $23b if used to meet Paris climate targets

Direct action fund would cost taxpayers $23b if used to meet Paris climate targets

Taxpayers would pay tens of billions for Australia to meet targets under direct action policy.

  • byAdam Morton
China to partly fund new CSIRO climate research centre

China to partly fund new CSIRO climate research centre

CSIRO's re-embracing of climate change research will be stressed on Monday when the national science agency announces a new centre partly funded by Chinese interests.

  • byAdam Morton
'We can't be passive bystanders':Advisers call for dramatic re-think on Great Barrier Reef

'We can't be passive bystanders':Advisers call for dramatic re-think on Great Barrier Reef

Expert panel calls for urgent action on threats to the natural wonder.

  • byAdam Morton
Businesses,households to be paid to use less electricity next summer

Businesses,households to be paid to use less electricity next summer

Businesses and households to be offered cash to use less electricity at peak times next summer.

  • byAdam Morton
Gas surge after Hazelwood closure sends electricity prices skyward

Gas surge after Hazelwood closure sends electricity prices skyward

Hazelwood's demise has triggered a surge in gas - and a prediction electricity prices will rise by up to 40%.

  • byAdam Morton