The architecturally splendid Oculus,at New York’s rebuilt World Trade Centre,cost $US4 billion to build. Sunshine station could give the record a nudge.
Melbourne’s supply of new apartments has collapsed beneath the weight of labor shortages,material costs and state government taxes and levies.
The prime minister has pledged funding to the project as Labor looks to sandbag its heartland in Melbourne’s west ahead of the federal election.
The Victorian government insists its changes to planning laws won’t change heritage overlays. This is partly true. It’s also disingenuous.
The state government has downsized its ambitions for the first tranche of its so-called activity centres,reducing height limits for medium-density apartment buildings and reducing development boundaries.
Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Adel Salman said the political defence should never have been dropped from the government’s anti-vilification legislation.
Treasurer Jaclyn Symes spent her summer studying the state’s books. She is deeply troubled by what she found.
Between 2000 and 3000 people are expected to lose their jobs,saving the state government billions of dollars,Treasurer Jaclyn Symes says.
We all know one. Perhaps you have one in your family. These are people for whom backbeats don’t readily apply.
Victorian Opposition Leader Brad Battin has offered Premier Jacinta Allan bipartisan support for proposed hate laws currently before parliament if she agrees to remove four words from the legislation.