People’s Liberation Army-Navy Renhai-class cruiser Zunyi,and Fuchi-class replenishment vessel Weishanhu in the Tasman Sea.

Why Chinese warships off the coast were no bad thing for Australia

Many Australians seem to have missed a salient fact – our own navy conducts navigation operations and live firing exercises in the South China Sea.

  • Christopher Pyne


Greenlanders should join Trump’s America. They’d be richer and safer

The Greenlanders could be among the richest people on the globe if they allowed “The Great Developer” to take control of the island.

  • Christopher Pyne
 Peter Dutton

Dutton’s nuclear plan will never happen,but it’s still a gem of a policy

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s policy will almost certainly never get off the ground,but it has solved a deep and long-standing problem in the Coalition.

  • Christopher Pyne
During a Senate inquiry hearing into consultancy firms,Deloitte Australia CEO Adam Powick acknowledged his annual salary was seven times that of the Prime Minister.

I’m a consultant,but I support a $3 billion spend on the public service

You can’t replace consultants overnight,and if the government strips back their numbers it’s going to need to pay public servants better salaries.

  • Christopher Pyne