Illustration by Andrew Dyson.

Busting the myths that feed our welfare pettiness

The Labor government’s rejection of a recommendation to boost welfare payments reflects broad public acceptance of cruel fictions about the unemployed.

  • Danielle Wood


The 34 economists surveyed project the Australian dollar to hold at US70¢ through to the end of the year,

Time for some big bang tax reform,and yes,that includes negative gearing

Increasing the GST,axing negative gearing,a carbon price and land taxes? Unless we reform the system,Australia won’t be able to pay for the essentials.

  • Danielle Wood

Why milk-and-honey economics should be taken with a grain of salt

Politicians can use economics for good,but unrealistic forecasts can lead to harsh policy realities.

  • Danielle Wood
A 2018 Victorian Labor campaign ad featured Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton alongside state Liberal leader Matthew Guy after research showed they were unpopular in Victoria.

Political parties must stop spending taxpayer money on campaign advertising

The Victorian government is the second-biggest spender on advertising in the country,trailing only the federal government.

  • Anika Stobart andDanielle Wood
The NSW government of Dominic Perrottet has been the nation’s fourth-highest spending advertiser for the first half of 2022.

Politicised taxpayer-funded advertising is costing us a fortune

Weaponising advertising for political advantage undermines trust in politicians and democracy and creates an uneven playing field. Something has to change.

  • Anika Stobart andDanielle Wood
Another mother found the children outside.

‘Economic insanity’:Willing to work,needed to work but stuck on hold

We spend billions on new roads to cut a few minutes off travel times,but won’t fund enough childcare so willing workers can be employed.

  • Danielle Wood
Investing early in childcare makes a real difference to children’s learning and wellbeing.

Fix the economy? It’s as easy as child’s play

Cheaper childcare will solve some of our economic problems with all the deftness of a busy working mother.

  • Danielle Wood
Corruption versus integrity in government is not all about cash bribes.

‘Grey corruption’ cuts our living standards,so it’s a shame they shelved the integrity commission

If you think it’s only in “really” corrupt countries that are the problem,think again. Australia,we have a problem.

  • Danielle Wood
Confusing signals on stamp duty:NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet with his Treasurer,Matt Kean.

Don’t retreat on stamp duty abolition,NSW:this is a reform the whole nation needs

It seems Australian politicians are losing their nerve for gutsy economic reform. This one was holding some promise - so don’t let it go,Dominic Perrottet.

  • Danielle Wood
Women are withdrawing a far greater proportion of their super as part of the government’s COVID-19 financial hardship early release scheme than men to meet their bills.

Women’s economic progress has stalled in shadow of COVID-19 recession

Women are recovering from a COVID-19 pincer:they were more likely to lose paid work and more likely to take on extra unpaid care.

  • Danielle Wood andKate Griffiths