The Labor government’s rejection of a recommendation to boost welfare payments reflects broad public acceptance of cruel fictions about the unemployed.
Increasing the GST,axing negative gearing,a carbon price and land taxes? Unless we reform the system,Australia won’t be able to pay for the essentials.
Politicians can use economics for good,but unrealistic forecasts can lead to harsh policy realities.
The Victorian government is the second-biggest spender on advertising in the country,trailing only the federal government.
Weaponising advertising for political advantage undermines trust in politicians and democracy and creates an uneven playing field. Something has to change.
We spend billions on new roads to cut a few minutes off travel times,but won’t fund enough childcare so willing workers can be employed.
Cheaper childcare will solve some of our economic problems with all the deftness of a busy working mother.
If you think it’s only in “really” corrupt countries that are the problem,think again. Australia,we have a problem.
It seems Australian politicians are losing their nerve for gutsy economic reform. This one was holding some promise - so don’t let it go,Dominic Perrottet.
Women are recovering from a COVID-19 pincer:they were more likely to lose paid work and more likely to take on extra unpaid care.