From fireworks to festivals,here’s how to end the decade with a bang

From fireworks to festivals,here’s how to end the decade with a bang

36,000 fireworks and the spectacular spots all around Sydney to watch them.

  • byEllie Dudley,Emma Hayman andSian Brain


RFS expected to give Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks the go-ahead

RFS expected to give Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks the go-ahead

The Rural Fire Service says it's “highly unlikely” Sydney Harbour’s New Year's Eve fireworks will be called off,with the danger rating predicted to stay well below catastrophic.

  • byKate Aubusson,Emma Hayman andNick Bonyhady
'Pretty empty':Sleepy start to Boxing Day sales

'Pretty empty':Sleepy start to Boxing Day sales

Sydney slept in and it wasn't until late morning that the annual sales really took off.

  • byEmma Hayman andDominic Powell
The cat that's bidding to join Sydney's annual dog race

The cat that's bidding to join Sydney's annual dog race

The Annual Scotland Island Dog Race will have a wild card entrant joining the racing ranks this Christmas Eve:A cat.

  • byEmma Hayman
From Christmas to January 1,here's what is open in Sydney

From Christmas to January 1,here's what is open in Sydney

The shops,transport,churches,healthcare and social security services available over the next 10 days.

  • byEmma Hayman
Tinsel gives decorated Christmas bus winning edge,says five-year-old judge

Tinsel gives decorated Christmas bus winning edge,says five-year-old judge

As Sydney’s light rail faced its first peak-hour test on Monday morning,another transport challenge was taking place at Clovelly Beach in Sydney’s east.

  • byEmma Hayman
'Coral ark'bids to save biodiversity as global threats to reefs mount

'Coral ark'bids to save biodiversity as global threats to reefs mount

As reefs face dire conditions globally,a'coral ark'project to safeguard biodiversity could even include your home fish tank.

  • byEmma Hayman andPeter Hannam
Tippett point:Gretel has changed way game is played,says Ellis

Tippett point:Gretel has changed way game is played,says Ellis

Australia's netball player of the year is taking the game to new heights through a combination of innovation and athleticism,according to Australian legend.

  • byEmma Hayman
'Delay and repackaging':No sign of Morrison's $100m recycling fund

'Delay and repackaging':No sign of Morrison's $100m recycling fund

Labor has accused the Coalition of being'all talk and no action'on dealing with our mountains of waste.

  • byPeter Hannam andEmma Hayman