Is my biological clock faulty,or is motherhood just not for me?

Is my biological clock faulty,or is motherhood just not for me?

It’s not that I hate kids. I just don’t want one of my own.

  • byGenevieve Novak


At 33,I’m still getting started. Does that make me soft and whiny?

At 33,I’m still getting started. Does that make me soft and whiny?

At the same age,my grandmother had two sons,spoke three languages and had escaped the Nazis. What would we have to talk about?

  • byGenevieve Novak
They say nothing good happens after 2am,and I’m beginning to think they’re right

They say nothing good happens after 2am,and I’m beginning to think they’re right

I’ve locked myself away for a while. With no day job to show up to,time warps. The longer I’m alone,the wilder my stream of consciousness becomes.

  • byGenevieve Novak
TV therapists wipe away the pain. Here in real life,it’s not so easy

TV therapists wipe away the pain. Here in real life,it’s not so easy

Another tragedy prompts more calls for action but when it comes to healing,there’s no quick fix.

  • byGenevieve Novak
The Rock is flogging shampoo. Celeb endorsements have gone too far

The Rock is flogging shampoo. Celeb endorsements have gone too far

Kendall Jenner has a toothpaste brand and I can’t fight the sense that these might not be passion projects.

  • byGenevieve Novak
Let’s face it,when it comes to perfection,we’re unhinged

Let’s face it,when it comes to perfection,we’re unhinged

Teens are buying retinol and an actress’ movable forehead stops me in my tracks.

  • byGenevieve Novak
I asked the algorithm what’s wrong with me. The answer made me wonder

I asked the algorithm what’s wrong with me. The answer made me wonder

These days,there’s an online diagnosis to suit everyone.

  • byGenevieve Novak
Looking lustily at you,Barry,Jeremy and Jacob. Should I know better?

Looking lustily at you,Barry,Jeremy and Jacob. Should I know better?

The ogled are now the oglers in a fresh wave of steamy online content.

  • byGenevieve Novak
Sorry,Tay Tay,but I’d rather not know which ex you’re dissing next

Sorry,Tay Tay,but I’d rather not know which ex you’re dissing next

A new album lands and I’m relieved to find that I know nothing about the backstory.

  • byGenevieve Novak
Seeking life partner:two legs or four,I don’t really mind

Seeking life partner:two legs or four,I don’t really mind

Should the same rules apply to pet rescue and romance?

  • byGenevieve Novak
Just like in the TV shows,we were friends forever - until we weren’t

Just like in the TV shows,we were friends forever - until we weren’t

What happens when relationships don’t follow the script?

  • byGenevieve Novak