Black Inc. has offered its writers a 50/50 split of net receipts from the deal,which would allow their books to be used to train artificial intelligence.
From the night’s biggest winner,to the fan favourites,the 97th Academy Awards ceremony certainly paid worthy tribute to the power of the silver screen.
Got a case of Monday-itis? Here are a few simple ways to start your week in the right frame of mind.
After targeting Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo fans last year,hackers have turned their sights on the latest big tour.
Between 2000 and 3000 people are expected to lose their jobs,saving the state government billions of dollars,Treasurer Jaclyn Symes says.
Zoo staff described Kimya,a western lowland gorilla,as intelligent,observant and loving. Her death was unexpected and vets at the zoo will investigate.
Chief Commissioner Shane Patton will not be offered a contract extension after a bruising no-confidence vote by rank-and-file officers on Friday cost him his job.
The minister has said sorry after victims of a paedophile teacher were subjected to “shocking” failures by the Department of Education.
The warning signs that BailSafe might not be the professional operation it claimed to be came just a year after it began operations.
Read the national news blog for live coverage of today’s top stories.