She donned a brave face as she took to the lectern,but there was no escaping the magnitude of the task before Liberal leader Libby Mettam as she conceded defeat in another emphatic victory for WA Labor.
Labor has won a third term of government. Roger Cook will remain premier of Western Australia.
Labor remains in government,and while a swing gives WA’s decimated Liberals some hope,the votes didn’t all flow as planned.
“I’m very comfortable in my position,and we will wait to see what the outcome of tonight’s results are,but we’re working hard,” Libby Mettam said.
Former Nationals MP James Hayward — who was serving almost three years in jail for child sex abuse until his conviction was quashed — has had the charges against him sensationally dropped.
Shadow Treasurer Steve Martin released his costings this afternoon which show their commitments would increase the state’s debt by $3.4 billion to $41 billion over the forward estimates - $110 million more than forecast by Labor.
The state government has been strong-armed into releasing the top-secret review that underpinned the overhaul of WA’s environmental protection laws,with revelations it hinged on the views of proponents,ran to 43 pages and was turned around within days.
The mining billionaire has urged European governments to make Russian assets and “elite interests” pay for the war in Ukraine.
The City of Perth council has abolished its free nighttime parking incentive and upped its fees as it grapples with rising operational costs and the closure of two major car parks.
The council ditched the advice of officers to allow Australia’s richest person to wrap her mining empire’s headquarters in company advertising,but fellow billionaire Andrew Forrest wasn’t so lucky.