He was a rising star in the police force,then it all came tumbling down
Naked City

He was a rising star in the police force,then it all came tumbling down

Making his mark catching crooks came at a heavy cost for Tim Peck,who ignored the warning signs until he crashed into them.

  • byJohn Silvester


Where there are smokes there are fires:Inside Victoria’s tobacco war
Naked City

Where there are smokes there are fires:Inside Victoria’s tobacco war

Property owners knowingly making money from an illicit source could find their income and the property subject to asset seizure.

  • byJohn Silvester
He was one of Victoria’s top homicide detectives. Working too hard cost him the job he loved
Naked City

He was one of Victoria’s top homicide detectives. Working too hard cost him the job he loved

Lucio Rovis was one of the Big Five of the homicide squad,where he spent 25 years. He was transferred to a taskforce and then offered his old job back. It was too late.

  • byJohn Silvester
A lifetime in the police force,but when he died,there was no farewell honour
Naked City

A lifetime in the police force,but when he died,there was no farewell honour

Daryl Payne wrestled a gun from a shooter and won a valour award. But the way we treat people like him falls way too short of the mark.

  • byJohn Silvester
Why ego should be a gangster’s dirty word
Naked City

Why ego should be a gangster’s dirty word

Instead of hiding in the shadows,gangsters are flaunting their wealth. Changes to the law may make them trip over their extravagance,right into trouble.

  • byJohn Silvester
As a reporter,my inbox is civil. Then I read what my female colleagues are sent
Naked City

As a reporter,my inbox is civil. Then I read what my female colleagues are sent

The internet is modern society’s sewer. It is vital to life but when it breaks,it is a disaster. And for women,it has proved toxic and dangerous.

  • byJohn Silvester
‘Stop the crocodile tears’:How a judge silenced a remorseless killer
Naked City

‘Stop the crocodile tears’:How a judge silenced a remorseless killer

Mother of twins Monique Lezsak died in a frenzied knife attack at the hands of her then partner,Sven Lindemann,as her daughter desperately tried to help. In court,the monster was revealed to be a coward.

  • byJohn Silvester
Family violence:You can’t see if you don’t look
Naked City

Family violence:You can’t see if you don’t look

There is one aspect of the justice system that must be urgently changed to stem the violence against women. That’s in the hands of government. But there is a part men can play now.

  • byJohn Silvester
Fake booze:‘It’s scary and the public needs to be warned’
Naked City

Fake booze:‘It’s scary and the public needs to be warned’

Just like illegal tobacco,a huge substitution racket is flourishing. Dangerous industrial alcohol is being blended into top-shelf spirits – and police are worried.

  • byJohn Silvester
A ‘disgusting,reprehensible’ case is shrouded in secrecy. And that’s not uncommon
Naked City

A ‘disgusting,reprehensible’ case is shrouded in secrecy. And that’s not uncommon

Secrecy in justice should be a last resort,but it is widespread in Victoria. Is the system fair?

  • byJohn Silvester
This form of abuse is rarely discussed. Police have only just picked up the signs
Naked City

This form of abuse is rarely discussed. Police have only just picked up the signs

Known as honour or shame crimes,Australian police were so slow to interpret the signs that some cases weren’t even recognised as criminal offences.

  • byJohn Silvester