Clients of a Sydney clinic have been put at risk of blood-borne infections after allegations that staff posing as medical practitioners performed invasive procedures with surgical equipment marked “veterinary use only”.
James Harrison’s legacy is at the heart of a wild story about canny science,boundless goodwill and an errant blood transfusion vanquishing a devastating and deadly disease.
Rachel’s long-term fears for her boy became reality. For Danijela and son William,the same feelings are ever-present.
Rachael Dodd has functional neurological disorder,a modern “hysteria” at the centre of a medical misogyny Venn diagram.
Extremely unwell patients held against their will at a western Sydney hospital are waiting for days to see a psychiatrist.
Karen Webb said officers were still determining any possible charges against two nurses recorded on video allegedly making anti-Israeli threats.
Under the changes,nurses and midwives would be able to prescribe abortion medications,while doctors with a conscientious objection would be compelled to refer patients to other services.
The two Bankstown Hospital nurses have been told they will never work in the NSW health system again.
Two nurses who apparently threatened to kill Israeli patients will be sacked from Bankstown Hospital after allegedly making the shocking statements while on shift.
Text messages revealed in court show Quentin Geczy fabricated an impressive career as a wunderkind surgeon as he wooed two young women and gave medical advice.