A hot summer,a rental crisis and a cost-of-living crisis left some homes ranging from uncomfortable to nearly unlivable.
In some once-affordable neighbourhoods,it has become much harder to find a good value home in only the past five years.
Most property investors make a profit,but pick the wrong neighbourhood and there’s a one in four chance of losing money.
The conventional wisdom is that high-quality homes in sought-after locations always sell well,but is that true?
More than a dozen buyers turned out to compete for the two-bedroom apartment,including an investor planning to buy the unit for his adult children.
The conventional wisdom is that well-renovated homes in sought-after locations always sell well. But is that true?
Young people who lower their expectations to an unassuming home in their second-choice location still could not comfortably afford the loan repayments.
A local couple trying to help their daughter purchase her first home,and another couple bidding on behalf of their overseas son,were among the bidders for the home.
Sydney’s median house price is at a record of almost $1.6 million,but some buyers have managed to get into the inner suburbs on that budget.
Cash-strapped buyers hit by rising interest rates have been running the ruler over their budgets and switching their search to save.