It's been 25 years since I lost my dad. His story is more important than ever.
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They settled on a more conventional choice,but still ended up in court over the child's full name.
When Brendon Cowie kissed his wife goodbye,it was the last time he would see her alive.
Tracey Trumper could not have afforded a targeted cancer therapy without a fundraising campaign.
"No parent should bear the burden of thinking,'I should have known what to do'," says paediatric emergency nurse Sarah Hunstead.
The pressure "to be doing everything" can take its toll on fathers.
"You feel like you're going to vomit,the world is spinning around you,light hurts,sound hurts. And then Babe Ruth takes a baseball bat to your head".
Mum wanted to send kids to private schools;dad said they could not afford it.