Research reveals socio-economics influence rubbish levels in Australia

Research reveals socio-economics influence rubbish levels in Australia

For most of the last decade,CSIRO scientists Denise Hardesty and Chris Wilcox have studied the worsening rubbish crisis in the world's oceans. Their research has estimated that nine out of 10 seabirds have ingested plastic - and predict almost all seabirds will have by 2050.

  • byNicky Phillips


How a pill could mimic the effects of exercise

How a pill could mimic the effects of exercise

What if you could experience many of the benefits of a gym session without moving from the couch?

  • byNicky Phillips
NASA Mars announcement:Evidence of liquid water discovered on Mars

NASA Mars announcement:Evidence of liquid water discovered on Mars

Investigation of dark streaks on Mars has presented the most compelling evidence to date that liquid water flows on the Red Planet.

  • byNicky Phillips
Needing to urinate makes people better liars,study finds

Needing to urinate makes people better liars,study finds

We've all experienced the need to pee when there's no bathroom in sight. Now scientists have discovered there's an advantage to that desperate feeling.

  • byNicky Phillips
Fish can be friends,researchers find

Fish can be friends,researchers find

As sweet as Dora and Marlin's friendship on Finding Nemo was,marine biologists have generally assumed fish do not have the brain power to co-operate.

  • byNicky Phillips
Researchers find plants,animals in the tropics aren't more colourful

Researchers find plants,animals in the tropics aren't more colourful

Ecologists have overturned a longstanding theory about plants and animals in the tropics.

  • byNicky Phillips
Science is Golden podcast episode 6:myth busting

Science is Golden podcast episode 6:myth busting

Ever heard that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice? Wrong! Yes it can.

  • byNicky Phillips
Will Malcolm Turnbull save Australian science?

Will Malcolm Turnbull save Australian science?

It's no secret that Australian scientists,by and large,did not like Tony Abbott. But will the new PM save science?

  • byNicky Phillips
Blood pressure research by scientist Anna Ahimastos retracted over faked data

Blood pressure research by scientist Anna Ahimastos retracted over faked data

Blood pressure drug Ramipril was found to be safe. But then an investigation found trial data was fabricated.

  • byNIcky Phillips
Half of Australian universities sign up to SAGE gender-equity program

Half of Australian universities sign up to SAGE gender-equity program

While having a quiet drink with a friend in a bar,Bernadette Fitzgibbon came face to face with the warped perception some people have of female scientists.

  • byNicky Phillips
Science is Golden podcast:the science of self control

Science is Golden podcast:the science of self control

We recreate our own version of the Marshmallow test with children aged between four and six-years-old.

  • byNicky Phillips