Badiucao is a Chinese dissident and The Age’s cartoonist. An imposter is claiming to be him.

Watched,followed,threatened. Now an impostor is claiming to be me

Badiucao is an Australian,a Chinese dissident and an Age cartoonist. But that’s not stopping Beijing operatives from intimidating him in Melbourne.

  • Patrick O'Neil andThe Visual Stories Team


A young Hawthorn fan watches a match in Hobart last year.

My eight-year-old has never seen his footy team win. I don’t want to lie to him

Before my son was born I’d never considered myself one of those men who’d make their child go for the same team,but when he came into this world there was no question about it.

  • Patrick O'Neil

Welcome to The Age Opinion newsletter

Each Wednesday evening the newsletter features our best pieces of the week,our most read,Letters to the Editor,puzzles and Age editor Gay Alcorn’s letter to subscribers.

  • Patrick O'Neil
Stephen Zwarts and Sharon Bowker,former docks workers who were bullied out of their jobs.

Docks bullying whistleblowers given 24-hour bodyguards,paid out millions

At least five Melbourne docks workers bullied at work have recently been paid out nearly $3.4 million over claims of threats and violent attacks,being ostracised and called “laggers” and having their work boots urinated on.

  • Patrick O'Neil
An overflowing container park at Appleton Dock Road,West Melbourne.

‘Shit in me boots’:Docks worker nicknamed ‘rat dog’ loses bullying case

A worker can dislike a colleague,swear at and insult them - even defecate in their boots - and it may not constitute bullying,according to a judgment in Victoria’s County Court.

  • Patrick O'Neil
Catholic priest John Dupuche (in white) who is a tantra meditation expert and Catholic priest with member of his multi-faith ashram.

Inside the commune where members must disagree with each other

The rollcall of residents sounds like the beginning of an old joke:a Catholic priest and classical tantra meditation expert,a Buddhist,a Hindu,a Muslim and a Yogi (walk into a bar…).

  • Patrick O'Neil
When Melbourne Zoo fell quiet during pandemic lockdowns,butterflies immediately occupied all the walking paths in the butterfly enclosure.

How lockdowns changed animal behaviours at the zoo

Under chaos theory,a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and causes a tornado in Texas. But what happens when humans disappear from a zoo’s butterfly enclosure for months for the first time in history?

  • Patrick O'Neil
Globe-trotting art dealer Andy Valmorbida

Australian art dealer admits to multimillion-dollar frauds over Bacon,Basquiat paintings

Globe-trotting art dealer Andy Valmorbida revealed he used forged documents to borrow millions of dollars against artwork he did not own in a case brought against him in the notorious tax haven of the Channel Islands

  • Patrick O'Neil
The Facebook profile image of videographer Real Rukshan,aka Rukshan Fernando.

Who is the Real Rukshan?

Independent media or right-wing antagonist? Protest live-streamer Rukshan Fernando has grown his online following into the hundreds of thousands in the past fortnight.

  • Patrick O'Neil
Nick Postma,who designed a series of online escape rooms/mysteries while bedridden when COVID struck.

How to make a hit business in lockdown,one puzzle at a time

Bedridden after hernia surgery last March,Melburnian Nick Postma began developing his first online escape room.

  • Patrick O'Neil