There is no doubt this government finds itself in an economic storm that is not of its making. But if it doesn’t navigate it well,the legacy of this parliament won’t be ‘a kinder,gentler politics’.
Despite her celebrity status,outgoing New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern failed to resolve the country’s housing crisis.
The latest Population Statement paints a grim picture of the future with an ageing population and falling birth rate meaning a decline in the number of younger,working Australians.
Australia’s major political parties have not been this unpopular since World War II. While there is a higher percentage of voters up for grabs,how can they be won over?
After defeat in 2014,the party ordered a review that found it would not win again in Victoria unless it tackled its women problem,toxic brand and inability to communicate. Are we finally ready to listen?
The polls suggest that for many voters,integrity in politics only matters if it conforms to their political prejudices.
The experience in the United Kingdom makes clear that a thriving multiracial and multifaith democracy is possible without quotas.
It’s time for Anthony Albanese to do something about a scheme that gives families with female breadwinners and stay-at-home dads nothing.
Alongside climate change,the Voice is central to Albanese’s agenda. And the most damaging force shaping up against it on the Left may be Djab Wurrung,Gunnai Gunditjmara woman Lidia Thorpe.
Unlike the late monarch,it is difficult for most of us today to imagine dedicating our entire lives so fully to any one role.