A Perth council is using nature in their battle against rough sleepers occupying an iconic tourist attraction.
Airbnb cleaning fees are irritating,and it’s making me take my accommodation dollars elsewhere.
Some of Perth’s most shunned suburbs have had their prices lifted to levels that were unimaginable a few years ago. But now east coast investors have left the market,will there be a correction?
A six by four in Peppermint Grove,anyone? Perth’s luxury house prices are the fastest rising in the nation,but still offer bang for buck on the global stage.
Labor has won a third term of government. Roger Cook will remain premier of Western Australia.
Since WA Labor swept into power in March 2017,the gulf between the haves and the have-nots has only grown wider. With a state election just days away,how do the key housing numbers stack up?
Three quarters of affordable rental properties in Perth aren’t even for a house or an apartment – it’s a bedroom only.
Perth has lost its mantle as the nation’s strongest growth property market with one property guru stating that the upcoming elections is a great time to buy.
Health authorities are warning the community after a mosquito-borne virus was detected in a popular riverside suburb in Perth.
Perth was one of the few cities in Australia to see a rise in the time to save for an entry-priced house and unit deposit,according to a new report.