The satirical Joh-era magazine has been resurrected during a time of fake news,climate change and global crisis.
PsiQuantum,the company building Australia’s first commercial-grade,next-generation quantum computer near the airport,will first create a laboratory at Griffith University.
Before the images were revealed,researchers had no proof that koalas would use the kind of smaller-scale log bridges that council had installed.
The stone wall discovered under Adelaide Street in 2022 will now feature in landscaping at North Quay.
Brisbane’s LNP councillors voted unanimously for the Greens’ Trina Massey to repay the thousands it cost to produce a council newsletter that had two pages of pro-Palestine content.
Bicycle user groups,who found Adrian Schrinner’s May comment “incredibly offensive”,were finally given the right of reply in City Hall.
The purple e-scooters have disappeared from the city’s streets after allegations their operator was running 500 more devices than their contract allowed.
On a block of land hemmed by caravan companies,this tiny Brisbane church offers a glimpse of the demographic changes happening in affordable suburbs around the country.
New Zealanders are settling in Brisbane and seeking Australian citizenship in record numbers after federal legislation last year fast-tracked the ability to switch citizenship.
One of Brisbane’s earliest toll bridges – a major traffic bottleneck – will close for most of September,but has sparked questions why sudden repairs were needed.
Pilots have been formally advised of changes to the operation of Brisbane Airport intended to reduce aircraft noise in residential areas.