Five minutes with the Herald’s books editor Jason Steger

In this subscriber-exclusive Q&A,books editor Jason Steger speaks to us about how he determines a good book from a bad one,the book that changed his life and his recommendations to add to your summer reading list.

Our readers have enjoyed your insights on books for some years now. What did you do before becoming the Herald’s books editor?

I’ve been some sort of journalist for a long time,starting in sport and business in Britain (even working on a DIY mag) and continuing in those areas when I came to Australia (not DIY,though) before moving into arts and literary journalism.

Books editor Jason Steger.

Books editor Jason Steger.The Sydney Morning Herald

How do you determine a good book from a bad one? Is it gut feel,personal taste or set criteria?

The quality of the writing is pretty important - bad writing makes any book a chore to read. When it comes to fiction you do need believable characters;that’s more important than whether they are likeable. I am a sucker for a good story,and love being immersed in a great novel. I do believe in the emotional truths that emerge in fiction. With non-fiction I want something absorbing and something I will learn from. I am very fond of literary biographies.

How many books do you think you’ve read over your time attheHerald? Do you still have time to read for your own pleasure - books of your choosing?

I have no idea how many books I’ve read. Suffice it to say,loads. I rarely get the time to read for my own pleasure,even though many of the books I read do give me a great deal of pleasure. I take books home to read for my own enjoyment and not for work and they end up in piles by my bed,gathering dust. I still buy books - I can’t resist.

What book genre do you gravitate to? What’s currently on your bedside table?

I probably read more fiction than anything else. I have a yearning to fill in the gaps in my reading. For example,I have never read Edith Wharton,and I want to read more Dostoevsky. I would like to catch up on some Australian classics that I have missed. The trouble is,there’s not enough time.

Do you prefer ebooks,printed books,or audiobooks most of the time?

Jason Steger’s bedside table.

Jason Steger’s bedside table.Supplied


Have any books changed your life? If so,what are they?

The first Tolstoy novel I read. It wasResurrection,far from his best,and I was far too young,but it got me started on serious writing,I think. (It’s a long time ago now.) I haven’t read it again,perhaps I should.

In 2021 we backedThe Sydney Morning Herald Best Young Australian Novelist Award,and in Melbourne,saw the return ofThe Age Book of the Year prize. How important is it to support such initiatives?

Very important. The SMH Best Young Australian Novelist is a wonderful initiative started by my former colleague Susan Wyndham that is designed to encourage young writers. There is now a cash element involved,which has changed the award’s dynamic,but it remains very important.The Age has traditionally played a significant role in Melbourne’s literary life so when the award went into hiatus for nine years I was very disappointed. I have been agitating for years to bring it back so was delighted when Gay Alcorn,the editor,was determined to do so.

You also started writing the weeklyThe Booklistnewsletter for readers last year - what do you enjoy about this format?

I do like that all our books coverage from the week is collated in one place. That way,if the reader misses something,the newsletter gives them a second chance to find it. Plus,I like the weekly introduction that I write which gives me a chance to witter about all sorts of things to do with books (and sometimes not to do with them).

How popular are you at dinner parties - I imagine you’re always approached for book recommendations?

I’m not particularly popular at dinner parties,but I do frequently get asked to recommend books or asked what my favourite books are.

Well,now it’s our turn to ask - can you please share some recommendations for summer reading?

If you like big American novels,then I suggest you tackleCrossroads by Jonathan Franzen. He is wonderful at writing about families,and this one focuses on the Hildebrandts as the lives of the parents and children spiral into disaster just at a point in the early `70s when American society was at a crossroads. All the characters are completely realised and utterly credible in their flaws,foibles and ridiculousness.

Talking of realised characters,inBodies of LightJennifer Down brings to life the remarkable Maggie who suffers appalling trauma as a child and young woman but somehow perseveres through its various travails. It’s a brutal life,but Down’s portrayal is deeply empathetic and credible. She has twice been aSMH Best Young Australian Novelist and she really shows her literary class with this book.

I was very sad when John le Carre died and was in two minds about whether to readSilverview,his posthumous novel. But I couldn’t resist and while I don’t think it’s as good as some of his great novels -Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy and the other Smiley books - it was definitely worth reading for a final goodbye to literature’s great spymaster.

Diana Reid’sLove and Virtue is a whip-smart campus novel that is also her first novel. It lingers in the territory of consent and power in relationships and who has the right to tell a story. It’s also utterly engrossing and offers plenty to talk about. She’s one to watch for the future.

The Booklist is a weekly newsletter for book lovers from books editor Jason Steger.Get it delivered every Friday.

Orietta Guerrera is the Deputy Editor of The Age. She was previously Reader Editor for The Age,The Sydney Morning Herald,Brisbane Times and WAToday

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