Suicide Squad enlists first Indigenous Australian character,Thylacine

The Tasmanian Tiger is believed to be extinct but there's one Thylacine who might still have a long life ahead of her – an impressive feat given she's part of the Suicide Squad.

A Ngarluma woman from the Pilbara,Thylacine is the first Indigenous Australian superhero in the history of the popular DC comic book series about the super-villain team.

Thylacine in Suicide Squad #5.

Thylacine in Suicide Squad #5.Supplied

And despite the squad's death drive,Melbourne writer Tom Taylor hopes Thylacine will find longevity in the comic book universe where superheroes can leap across storylines as quick as they do buildings.

Fans are often quick to embrace new comic book characters,Taylor says,and there's a"good chance"we might see Thylacine on screens or in other spin-offs in the near future.

The hunter is one of 10 new characters – who are culturally,sexually and gender diverse – introduced into the rebooted Suicide Squad created by Taylor and Spanish artist Bruno Redondo. Thylacine has enhanced hearing,sight and strength and is"the sort of character who can walk into a fortress,basically nullify every single guard in there,and come out".

Tom Taylor has created Suicide Squad's first Indigenous Australian character,Thylacine.

Tom Taylor has created Suicide Squad's first Indigenous Australian character,Thylacine.Eddie Jim

The response since Thylacine's debut,in the first issue of the reboot in December,has been positive with praise given to the series for its diverse representation. While Indigenous characters have appeared in comics before,including Marvel's Manifold and Gateway,they've never received the time or space that is hoped for Thylacine's future.

Taylor says DC was supportive of featuring an Indigenous Australian character but he sought out consultants,including Ryan Griffen,the creator of ABC's Indigenous superhero seriesCleverman,and actor and writer Shari Sebbens,who he met in writing rooms.

"I wouldn't have touched it. As a straight white guy in Australia,there's no way I would have sought to create these characters without consulting culturally,"says Taylor,whose comic writing credits includeInjustice,DCeased,All-NewWolverine andStar Wars.

Thylacine is an Aboriginal Australian hunter with heightened senses.

Thylacine is an Aboriginal Australian hunter with heightened senses.Bruno Redondo

After consulting with Sebbens,the character's name switched from Dingo,an introduced species,to the thylacine,an Australian native with a far longer history,including across the mainland.

Sebbens,who has starred inThe Sapphires andRedfern Now,said they wanted Thylacine to have dark skin,and turned to Ngarluma country in the Pilbara,where there was ancient rock art of the Thylacine,liaising closely with Ngarluma storyteller Tyson Mowarin and his cousin Clinton Walker. Sebbens says Thylacine turned out"awesome"and she would have loved to see such a character when she was younger.

"It would have been awesome. This generation is so lucky,"she says."There is a lot that is still wrong in the world but representation like this in comic books that are about people harnessing their power for good,that is just a really cool thing."

In the latest issues,Thylacine and the squad are on a rampage across the Nullarbor as they try to track down the rogue Captain Boomerang. The story started in Fremantle,and the plot has also moved to Victoria and Adelaide.

"It's very Australian. It's a way for people here in Australia to see people who aren't tropes – who aren't throwing another shrimp on the barbie or who aren't inCrocodile Dundee world. To show the rest of the world real Australians is really important so for that reason it would be great if Thylacine had a long future at the company."

And while there's no shortages of deaths in Taylor's series,he promises he has a"soft spot"for Thylacine and"will do my best to keep her alive".

Melanie Kembrey is Spectrum Editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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