Time to shake off Triple J's great injustice against Taylor Swift

On Tuesday,Triple J will open voting for The Hottest 100 of the Decade,a bigger and better version of the annual competition. It is a time reflect on the past 10 years,to relive precious memories,and to argue fruitlessly with friends,family and colleagues about popular music. But it is more than that. It is a shot at redemption. The Hottest 100 of the Decade is an opportunity to rectify a national disgrace.

Five years ago,Triple J banned Taylor Swift from their annual countdown. If the Hottest 100 is,as it is so often claimed,"the world's greatest music democracy",then that was its darkest day,its march on Rome,its October Revolution,its Iowa caucus,its burning of the Reichstag.

Taylor Swift in the music video for her hit Shake It Off.

Taylor Swift in the music video for her hit Shake It Off.Taylor Swift Vevo

It was a complicated and controversial saga. I wrote about it at the time,in a level of detail I can only attribute to having been unemployed.

The truncated history is that Taylor Swift had been uncool for years and then,quite suddenly late in 2014,was very cool indeed. Her singleShake it Off, was more than just a good song;it was a cultural moment. Across the world,otherwise normal people realised that they loved Swift.

That year,Triple J left Swift off the ballot. That,in itself,was not controversial. The station had never playedShake it Off. But airplay is not a prerequisite to qualify for the Hottest 100. Fans started voting for it anyway,writing their votes in manually. It wasn't long before #Tay4Hottest100 went viral. There were countless tweets and articles. Some brands,like KFC,even opportunistically jumped on the bandwagon.

All of the hubbub was anathema to the Triple J establishment. Their special day — their so-called democracy — was being threatened by a populist uprising.

In response,they assembled a case against Swift's inclusion. Buzzfeed,they said,had tried to"troll the poll",and corporations were exercising nefarious influence to corrupt the result. Triple J introduced vague and retrospective rules,handing down"a one way ticket to Bansville".

It was a miscarriage of justice,a perversion of democracy,and a middle finger to devoted listeners who wanted their voices heard. And let us not pretend that it was not an attack on women,too. At the time of Triple J's interference in the vote,no female solo artist had ever won the Hottest 100. It would take another five years to break that glass ceiling.

Taylor Swift celebrates historic win at the American Music Awards 2019

But now,with the Hottest 100 of the Decade,we have a chance to set history right. A song need not have featured on a Hottest 100 previously to be eligible for this countdown. The people of Australia can finally back #Tay4Hottest100. In doing so,we can take the mistakes of the past,and shake them off.

James McCann is a comedian and writer.

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