The seats were empty but the band played on to thousands at home

It is normally the stuff performer's nightmares are made of,playing to an empty room,but on Saturday night,Australian jazz singer Emma Pask did just that.

Emma Pask and her band play at The Sydney Opera House.

Emma Pask and her band play at The Sydney Opera House.Cole Bennetts

Pask was chosen by The Sydney Opera House to launch the first of their concerts live streamed from the stage of the hallowed Joan Sutherland Theatre. The room was empty but for a handful of camera operators,crew and band. Just 20 people filled the space that would normally hold more than 1500.

"I felt relaxed because I didn’t have thousands of faces to connect with,but I also missed that,"Pask said.

"In some ways it felt like a dress rehearsal with the band,but also knowing there were people out there watching,whether it was 10 or a thousand people I don't know how many were watching,you were able to conjure some energy from that."

Four cameras captured the performance for the audience watching at home.

Four cameras captured the performance for the audience watching at home.Cole Bennetts

By Sunday morning more than 2000 people had watched the performance live or on YouTube after it ended,more than could have watched it in the Opera House itself.

Regardless of the inherent strangeness of playing to an empty room,Pask said she was committed to ensuring she delivered a show with her regular level of energy.

"I promised myself I would go all out,I knew my aim was wanting to look down the camera and connect with an audience like I would if I were there and I wanted to give them all I had in the moment,"she said.

The Opera House has been releasing concerts,talks and other performances each week as part of theirFrom Our House To Yours series ranging from Missy Higgins performing in the forecourt in 2019 to Nigella Lawson discussing cooking. Pask's live stream was the first of several planned over the next two months while the venue remains closed to the public due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Unlike other live streamed concerts,which have frequently been done from performer's homes,the Opera House has the benefit of a fully functioning broadcast centre.

Pask's performance was live streamed into people's homes via a five-camera set up that was fed directly into the broadcast centre where a director was able to switch vision between cameras live as the concert took place.

The result was a highly professional production that could easily be released commercially.

For Pask,however,there was one single benefit she won't forget from the 45-minute set.

"I am just happy to be performing again,and to be with my band,"she said.

She was joined on stage by her regular trio,double bassist Phil Stack,drummer Tim Firth and pianist Dr Kevin Hunt. They played seven songs,including a touching tribute to the late jazz legend Don Burrows. The group hadn't played together since February at the Brisbane Jazz Club.

"As soon as we walked off stage we said'let's do it again next week,but let's go for an hour'. We still had another set in us,definitely,"Pask said.

The Opera House will announce future live performances in coming weeks.

Nathanael Cooper is the Executive Producer,audio and the co-host of Please Explain.

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