In an anxious world,who watches the Watchmen?

It is a byproduct of the modern television age that the lunatics have taken over the asylum:franchises such asStar Wars andDoctor Who now sit in the laps of creative producers who were,in their childhoods,devoted fans of the works and worlds they now oversee. Such connections are charmingly nostalgic but they are not without risks.

For producer Damon Lindelof,being handed a television remake ofWatchmen,a graphic novel of which he is a devoted fan,opened up a world of challenges,and he readily acknowledges he has undertaken a perilous task.

"To some degree I had to make it my own,I had to take some risks,I had to try to generate something original,"he says."At the same time,the one constant is that I love this thing,and my worst possible fear is that the existence of thisWatchmen in any way desecrates the memory of the original."

Regina King as Detective Angela Abar – aka"Sister Night"– in Watchmen.

Regina King as Detective Angela Abar – aka "Sister Night" – in Watchmen.HBO

So great was his concern,he says,that he decided he wouldn't be unhappy if fans told him his adaptation was awful so long as it made them appreciate the original work more."That would be a victory for me,because I'd be like,cool,that is deserving of your love,"he says.

Lindelof is best known forLost,the six-year-long mystery thriller about plane crash survivors trying to unlock the riddle of the uncharted island on which they were stranded,and the plane which brought them there. The mixed fortunes of a hit show and a fierce fandom taught him many lessons,he says,not least of which was that trying to predict or shape the audience's takeaway is a frustrating and ultimately impossible process.

"This is not just to be cute,but I wantWatchmen to be a Rorschach test,"he says. (One of the key characters in the graphic novel is named Rorschach.)"So you look at the ink blot and you tell me what you see,and that depends on you,"he says."If you have a pre-existing relationship withWatchmen,you're going to watch the show in an entirely different way than someone who maybe has only seen the movie or just kind of knows what it is ... I think that the idea is to kind of unify everybody and tell them that this is a new story."

Damon Lindelof,creator of upcoming series Watchmen.

Damon Lindelof,creator of upcoming series Watchmen.AP

"My hope,like all the television that I watch,let alone make,is that it makes people think,that it creates really interesting discourse,"he adds."I want to make TV that when it's over,that hour is over,that you want to continue to engage with it. You don't want to just sort of flip to the next thing. You want to go onto social media and see what other people are saying about it. I want people to wrestle with it. That would be my perfect version. And of course,I want everybody to love it."

The original comic was written in the 1980s,during Reagan's America,and was very reflective of the time,Lindelof says."Although it was in an alternate history,[it explored] the anxiety of a nuclear confrontation with the Soviets. So if this story was going to be set in 2019,I said,what is dominating the political anxiety? What's it like to be an American now? What's the focal point of conflict?

"Everywhere I looked,with a complete and utter understanding that I'm a white man,the greatest beneficiary of the American experiment in terms of power and wealth,[was that] that power and wealth was basically attained on the back and the exploitation of people who are not white men,primarily African Americans,"he says.

Lindelof acknowledges that an article,The Case for Reparations,published in The Atlantic in 2014 and written by Ta-Nehisi Coates,became a touchstone."That completely and totally changed my perspective on American history,"he says. And that article led him to a book,The Burning,about the Tulsa massacre of 1921,a race riot in which white mobs attacked black residents and businesses in the Greenwood District in Tulsa,Oklahoma.

"For someone who is very interested in American history,but also steeped in comic book mythos,[that] felt like Krypton to me,"he says,referring to Superman's home world,whose destruction is the starting point of theSuperman story."All superhero origin stories start with a moment of great personal trauma,[and] those two ideas started to kind of come together and that was kind of the beginning of the idea that sort of drove the entire season."

The most peculiar aspect of Lindelof's great passion for the original work is that its creator,Alan Moore,is not likely to endorse it. Relations between Moore and DC Comics are fraught,largely because Moore signed a deal selling the rights until the graphic novel goes out of print,after which the rights revert to him. Obviously,the graphic novel has never gone out of print,meaning Moore has never been able to take back the rights.

Lindelof is sympathetic to Moore's position."But that's the deal,"he says,matter-of-factly."When I createdLost,I signed a deal with ABC that they would own the word Lost,and every character that I ever created in every story. So if ABC and Disney want to make moreLost,they can do so. And they don't have to compensate me and they don't have to get my approval. I signed the paperwork,and I can scream and yell ... but they're the ones who paid to make the show and that's the deal that I made."

Equally,Lindelof says,his respect for Moore and the original work he created meant that the television adaptation ofWatchmen would not,on Lindelof's watch,try to replicate"anything that he wrote,and any of these panels that Dave[Gibbons] drew"on the television screen. Instead,the television series picks up the story after the events in the original graphic novel,and features a different mix of characters.

"I think that would be in direct defiance of his wishes,because he wrote it,but I do think that it's okay to imagine 30 years later what's happening in the world that he created,"Lindelof says."But I also acknowledge that he probably wants me to die,and I do not begrudge him that,"he adds,laughing."I feel like this world is full of artists who did something in defiance of someone else's wishes. And it makes me really sad,but I also completely and totally accept,that the person whose approval I probably want the most is the person whose approval I will never,ever get."

Watchmen airs Mondays,Fox Showcase,at noon from October 21.

Michael Idato is the culture editor-at-large of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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