Lincoln Younes on his nomadic life and learning to embrace uncertainty

Winning a plum role in an estimable TV drama series opposite two admired and experienced stars is a pretty good way to launch a career. That’s what happened to Lincoln Younes. In his mid-teens,he submitted his first-ever audition for the role of Ben Mendelsohn and Justine Clarke’s troubled son inTangle (2009-12). After several call-backs,he got the part. It was an auspicious start and the 29-year-old now,chuckling,wishes that everything after that had gone as smoothly.

“As my introduction to this crazy industry,it was a godsend,” he says. “I learned an incredible amount. Ben can create this unpredictable energy and it lifts all the performances around him. The same can be said for Justine;she was so nurturing and supportive,and so good at her job.”

Lincoln Younes has learned to accept uncertainty and developed a willingness to go where the work is.

Lincoln Younes has learned to accept uncertainty and developed a willingness to go where the work is.Peter Brew-Bevan

Younes’ career has blossomed since that formative beginning,with his CV including four seasons onHome and Away,stage work inA View From the Bridge,and US TV credits. He’s in Sydney,catching up with family and friends while preparing for roles that he can’t yet discuss,considering the possibility of generating his own projects,and contemplating a return to university.

In the years betweenTangle and his recent role as Tom in the fifth season of the rural dramaDoctor Doctor,Younes has learned a lot more about his chosen career,which in part involves an acceptance of uncertainty and a willingness to go where the work is.

“I’ve moved around a lot,” he says of his childhood and adult life. “I was in Sydney,Gosford,Canberra,Bendigo,Melbourne and then Sydney and Los Angeles. So when people say,‘Where’s home?’ I say,‘Where my suitcase is,I guess’.” The nomadic lifestyle is a feature that he shares with Tom:“He’s a jackaroo,a guy for hire,” explains Younes. “He goes where life takes him. He presents a way of being that is appealing to certain characters and destructive to others,and he forces them to make decisions. His presence catalyses change.”

Those directly affected are Ajax (Matt Castley) and Hayley (Chloe Bayliss),whose marriage is rocky before Tom arrives in Whyhope and lands a job on the family farm. He becomes a pal for Ajax and an object of desire for Hayley. He also provides the show with a shot of sex appeal.

Younes as the blue-singleted tradie Tom in Doctor Doctor.

Younes as the blue-singleted tradie Tom in Doctor Doctor.Brook Rushton

Conceding with a laugh that his character spends a fair bit of time displaying a well-toned torso,Younes notes that tradies customarily wear blue singlets,so his costume is credible. Mmmm. But perhaps they don’t habitually show up shirtless,requesting a shower? “No comment,” he replies with a laugh.

“The thing I loved about the character is that there’s nothing insidious or malicious about him,” he says. Praising the writing on the show,he observes that the trio forms “the best kind of triangle,where the audience can see all sides and understand all facets of the decisions being made”,adding that “he makes Ajax and Hayley question their commitment to each other and the path that they want for their lives”.

Younes also observes that,at a time when the consequences of a global pandemic are felt everywhere,the warm world of Whyhope,which often looks to be bathed in a golden glow,might be especially timely:“The show has a lot of wit and a lot of heart,and to have that combination,with everything that’s going on in the world,is a bit of a pressure release. I think people want that now.

“It’s a drama that you can engage with,but it has enough levity that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Even though it has different dynamics,different families,it’s got elements ofTangle,universal themes that everyone understands,because no family is normal and life is unpredictable.”

BeforeDoctor Doctor,Younes had been in North Carolina working on the US TV remake of the 1987 filmThe Lost Boys. He’d been cast in the role played by Kiefer Sutherland and had been on location preparing for a month. The night before his first scene,the production was shut down due to COVID-19.

Younes,right,as Romeo in Tangle,alongside Blake Davis and Georgia Flood.

Younes,right,as Romeo in Tangle,alongside Blake Davis and Georgia Flood.Supplied

That series would’ve followed his work on the Miami-based hotel drama,Grand Hotel,which was cancelled after a single season. “It was a goal of mine to work in America on a decent project,” he recalls. “It’s what you aspire to because of the amount of opportunity. It’s not that they do it better,but there are so many things made there. I’d save up,go over,audition,come back,rinse and repeat.

“I had this crazy week of auditioning from Australia for all these projects andGrand Hotel was the last one. Two days later,I got a call to be in Miami and 30 hours later I was there. Those are the joyful times in this industry. That call is always magic.”

Younes is philosophical about the disruptions and unplanned detours. Years ago,he deferred his arts/law studies at Melbourne University and bought a ticket to London. Then the call came for him to play Casey Braxton inHome and Away. He looks back on the soap as valuable experience,particularly in terms of the consistency and punctuality required of him.

‘I was in Sydney,Gosford,Canberra,Bendigo,Melbourne and then Sydney and Los Angeles. So when people say,“Where’s home?” I say,“Where my suitcase is,I guess”.’

Lincoln Younes

It also helped him in America because he felt he knew the drill. “They have a lot more money,more time to shoot things,but it’s the same process. It was nice to have a trailer to myself,but you don’t get into this job to sit in a trailer:you get in it to work with people who are good at their jobs and are passionate about storytelling. The cast,the crew,the creatives,are no better there than they are in Australia:we’re world-class professionals here.”

Younes returned home in August and started onDoctor Doctor in September,feeling grateful to be in one of the few parts of the world where production was possible. Now he’s considering a return to university,possibly to study anthropology. Following a visit to Lebanon a few years ago,to connect with the Lebanese side of his family and learn about the culture,he’s also keen to explore that aspect of his heritage in terms of screen representation and “play more roles that honour my Lebanese background”.

The future might be unpredictable but,whatever direction the next call takes him,Younes is excited about the possibilities.

“It’s never when you expect it and the journey it takes you on is never predictable,” he says. “There’s no certainty,for better or worse.”


Doctor Doctor


Nine,Wednesday,April 28

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