This strange sci-fi series is one of the best shows of the year

In part one of this week's mid-year special ofThe Televisionaries podcast,TV experts fromThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald discuss their top shows of the year so far.

On that list is Amazon Prime'sTales from the Loop. While the show seems to have flown under the radar,Spectrum's deputy editor Kylie Northover says it deserves much more attention.

Amazon's Tales from the Loop is the most unique sci-fi in years.

Amazon's Tales from the Loop is the most unique sci-fi in years.Amazon Prime

"It has blown me away,it's by far the best thing I've seen all year,"she says."It's unlike any sci-fi,really,that I've seen before – I don't even know if it is sci-fi. It's an unusual series and it's based on the art of Swedish artist Simon Stalenhag ... which is a strange starting point for a series.

"The Loop is a sort of underground,experimental physics laboratory – one of the things I like about[the show] is that there's not a lot of spoon-feeding in this. Nothing is certain,but this Loop affects the whole town. It's eight episodes and each episode focuses on one of the town's inhabitants,who is in either a small way or a large way affected by the strange goings-on in the Loop."

Other highlights of the year to date includeNormal People,Stateless,The Great andMasterChef,which have been discussed in previous episodes.Listen to the episode in the player below to hear the full list,and hit the link at the bottom to catch up on the season so far.

Part two of the mid-year special will be released on Friday. In that episode,the experts will reveal their honourable mentions and the shows they're looking forward to later in the year. Subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts to ensure you don't miss part two!

Genevieve Rota is the culture digital editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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