Teachers'status and pay linked to students'achievement

A direct link has been established between teacher status and pay and student achievement in international tests,according to the man behind the biggest international study of what the general population thinks of teachers.

"This is probably the most important result and the one with the most important ramifications,"the study’s lead researcher Peter Dolton said at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai.

Teachers'pay has been linked to how well students perform.

Teachers' pay has been linked to how well students perform.AP

"When we think about teacher status and teacher pay,the logical question is how much does it really matter,and the acid test for any education minister is what does it mean in terms of kids’ outcomes,"said Professor Dolton,who is the research director of the UK’s National Institute of Economic and Social Research and led the Varkey Foundation’s 2018 Global Teacher Status Index.

The index,which surveyed 35,000 people across 35 countries,found that both teacher status and pay are directly linked to countries’ performance in the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation’s Program for International Student Assessment,which measures the performance of 15-year-olds in maths,literacy and science across 80 nations,including Australia.

"If you say this is a well-enumerated job,more young people are going to want to do the job,which has a knock-on effect,the higher the percentile we’re drawing our teachers from and these people are then getting the best outcomes,"Professor Dolton said.

NSW teacher Yasodai Selvakumaran on Sunday narrowly missed out on winning this year’s $1 million Global Teacher Prize,created to raise the global status of teaching.

Yasodai Selvakumaran,from Rooty Hill High School,was a finalist in the Global Teacher Prize.

Yasodai Selvakumaran,from Rooty Hill High School,was a finalist in the Global Teacher Prize.James Brickwood

Ms Selvakumaran,who was one of the top 10 finalists for the global prize,said the experience has given her"more confidence and drive to keep doing what I’m doing and having a global network to support that".

The prize,which was awarded to Kenyan science teacher Peter Tabichi,received 10,000 nominations from 179 countries.

"This shows that teaching is a noble profession,"Mr Tabichi said.

While Australia wasn’t included in the 2018 study,Professor Dolton said he was hoping to bring governments on board to expand the index significantly in future.

However,the findings of the study indicate that Australia’s sliding PISA results could be linked to issues around low teacher pay and status as well as concerns at the national level about university entrance scores for teaching degrees,which areas low as 48 ATAR points at some universities.

The study,which also asked respondents to compare teaching to other professions,found that people closely link it to jobs such as nursing in countries such as New Zealand and Britain.

In comparison,teachers have a similar status to doctors in countries such as China,Russia and India.

Professor Dolton said respect for teachers has increased across most countries in the five years since the study was first conducted in 2013 but that most people still think teachers are paid far more and work far fewer hours than they actually do.

"The most surprising thing for me is the extent to which the general public have better respect for teachers as an occupation but are absolutely surprised by how low teacher pay is and how many hours they work,"Professor Dolton said.

"In the countries we looked at,teachers work up to 14 hours a week more than people think they do.

"This doesn’t just matter on the ground for each teacher in each school,it matters because the higher the status we accord teachers,the better the outcomes for everybody,for pupils and for the future."

The reporter travelled to the Global Education and Skills Forum as a guest of the conference.

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Pallavi Singhal is a data journalist with the Visual Stories Team at The Age,The Sydney Morning Herald,Brisbane Times and WAtoday

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