Book Week:how the heck did it become a parade?

Book Week has been a part of the Australian calendar for decades and is a wonderful way to celebrate reading (which you would expect me to say,being a children's book writer).

In the lead-up to the Children's Book Council of Australia announcing their awards,many schools spend the preceding weeks reading the shortlisted books and voting on their favourites. It's heartening to see even older students hunched over picture books,with many good ones for this age group.

It's Book Week...

It's Book Week...Supplied

Schools often have an entire day of various story-related activities,all of which are fun and inclusive. However,one aspect that doesn't always bring the joy you would expect to some children is the Book Week parade.

For those of you who have not had to be involved with this event– children are given a theme to dress to and are sometimes encouraged to bring the book as well. Sounds simple? Not always.

Firstly,in the past few years it seems the costume departments of many homes have grown way out of control. There is a competitiveness pervading the suburban landscape of Australia,with parents fighting to outdo each other. Some must be up until all hours of the night wrestling hot glue guns and cardboard,or spray-painting gumboots. Others even appear to have spent money on hiring outfits – that or they've employed a Hollywood costume designer. Gone are the days of strategically tied bandannas,old baskets and grandpa's hat.

Then there's the flurry of photographs on social media. If you scroll through in Book Week you can't help but compare it with your own efforts,wondering how much things cost,if it was home-made,what book it is from and,finally,how the heck did it come to this?

If I didn't think it was probably slightly cruel to my children,I would post my reality of dress-up day – one child bawling in normal uniform,one with a tear-stained face and half-removed costume and the other looking white with fear but putting on a stoic,if hilarious,fake smile.

If you're a parent who hasn't thought about it until the night before and you find yourself waist deep in the dress-up tub at 8pm with a teary child,you start to feel you have failed dismally (that would be me). It also feels the focus has moved somewhat off books and more onto something not overly related to literacy. I haven't failed,I tell myself,my childrenlove books – they just don't love to dress up.

Dress-up day can be traumatic if your child doesn't like to.

And here we are at the crux of the issue for more parents that you may realise. Dress-up day can be traumatic if your child doesn't like to. You may be thinking to yourself that they need to lighten up,it's supposed to be just a bit of fun,and in theory I agree with that sentiment – indeed I used to love doing itmyself as a child. And if you've never experienced a child with this fear you probably think I'm exaggerating,but I'm not.

Instead of a fun build up as you lovingly pore over books and select outfits,there are tantrums,tears,lots of parental deep breathing and repetitive"you don't have to if you don't feel like it"and possibly a swig from a hip flask on parade morning. No logical argument can break through to their brain. And so,in the past decade,our family have just had to grin and bear dress-up days as best we can.

The good news for us is that as they have gotten older they have begun to trying to take part,with baby steps. But the younger ones still grip my hands like a vice as we walk to school,with"are you sure it's dress up day?"and"what if people don't know who I am?"being asked 50 times in the 300 metre walk to school. They still agonise about if their costume is accurate enough or that their hair is the wrong length to match the character,but we recover from the stress faster.

I know in the next few years dress-up days will fade into oblivion,but I will know that out there somewhere other parents and children are struggling through Book Week parade day with the issues like ours.

I want those families to know I stand with them in solidarity and will give them a silent salute. While I'm not asking for the Book Week parade to be cancelled,I would ask for a little reality check on the costuming from the glue and glitter corner – yes,I'm talking to you over there. Tone it down a little,would you? How about instead of picking up a glue gun and outdoing yourself,you pick up a book and relax instead. It is Book Week after all.

Nicola Philp is a freelance writer based in Apollo Bay.

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