Detective heroes with close connections a quintessentially rural breed

While Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler have come to stand for a whole school of American hard-boiled crime writing,in years to come I cheerfully predict Peter Temple and Garry Disher will be identified as the crime writers who redefined Australian crime fiction in terms of its form,content and style.

This realisation hit home halfway through Garry Disher's latest stand-alone police procedural,Bitter Wash Road. What nailed it was the particular relationship between character,place and the poetics of stoic masculinity. The location is rural South Australia. This is the landscape of Disher's childhood and one he depicts with unsentimental clarity,tinged with nostalgia for a former era of agricultural glory and flourishing small-town life.

Bitter Wash Road,by Garry Disher.

Bitter Wash Road, by Garry Disher.

Character is embodied in policeman Paul Hirschhausen (''call me Hirsch''),who has been exiled to a single-officer police station in a blink-and-you'd-miss-it town on the Barrier Highway,for blowing the whistle on a rampant case of as-yet-unresolved police corruption back in Adelaide.

His enforced isolation is intended as a particular form of police purgatory. It is also an effect of his uncompromising integrity.

And so it begins on the evocatively namedBitter Wash Road,with Hirsch responding to an order from his sergeant,located in the slightly bigger town next door,to investigate a report of gunfire.

For Chandler it was all about the''mean streets''down which a man''who is not himself mean''must go. For Disher,the street down which his laconic Australian hero must travel - in his weather-beaten four-wheel drive - is a single track through''hardscrabble country'',his only observers some skinny sheep and birds perched on the power lines''sitting as if snipped from tin''. Like Temple,Disher's eye for detail is acute and his poetic analogies precise.

While the random gunshots appear innocent enough - a couple of kids taking potshots under the slow-moving vanes of a wind farm - the ricochets are resounding. All is not well in Bitter Wash Road and its surrounds. For a start,a couple of gung-ho cops are beating up the local indigenous community and engaging in forms of sexual harassment that could earn them a jail term,if only someone had the courage to stand up to them. And then there's the dead girl in a ditch.

Before Hirsch can solve any of these problems,he first has to win the trust of his neighbours.''The secret and the pity''of being a cop in a small community,Hirsch decides,is to get close,but not too close. As time trickles past,Hirsch slips into a range of masculine roles as''stern father,kindly father,father-confessor,bloke next door and go-to guy''. He helpfully locates missing stock and a mother suffering from dementia. He transports a gasping teenager to hospital when her asthma inhaler runs out and,having confessed to a mild fondness for tennis,finds himself on the tennis club committee. He gets connected.

And there's the difference. Unlike the heroes of Chandler and Hammett,Temple and Disher's detective heroes not only form close connections with others,but more importantly with the terrain through which they travel.

In this regard,Bitter Wash Road is a contemporary western with Hirsch as the valiant sheriff attempting to bring order and justice to a community that has lost its way:a community that ultimately embraces him. Hammett and Chandler's heroes were isolated by virtue of their chosen roles as hard-boiled private investigators in urban locations:they usually worked for,and by,themselves.

Both Disher and Temple's policemen heroes have come adrift from their moorings because of some failure in a system they've learned never to trust. This is hardly breaking news for those living in and on the land. What eventually redeems and anchors these men is love and landscape.

Bitter Wash Roadcontinues the work of re-imagining the crime genre in a very Australian way,and does it beautifully.

Disher and Temple's policemen heroes have come adrift from their moorings because of some failure in a system they've learned never to trust.


Garry Disher


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