Kylie Jenner's $515,000 birthday present for mum Kris Jenner

What do you get the woman who gave you life and made you a billion-dollar beauty mogul for her birthday?

Kylie Jenner with her mother and momager,Kris Jenner.

Kylie Jenner with her mother and momager,Kris Jenner.AP

While it would be a candle or a floral-scented hand lotion for most,for Kylie Jenner,it's a $515,000 shiny,red Ferrari 488.

The lip-kit entrepreneur,21,surprised Kris Jenner on Monday evening with the wheels,a week before the momager's 63rd birthday.

"Oh my God,oh my God,"a barefoot,pyjama-clad Kris repeated once she clapped eyes on the extravagant gift from her youngest,richest cash cow.

Kris added,"If I had known[you were going to surprise me] I would have dressed cuter."

"How do you even start it?"she cried as she sat into the driver's seat.

Recording the moment to boast in front of her 117 million Instagram followers,Kylie explained that she hid the luxury car that costs around the same price as astudio apartment in Sydney's eastern suburbs for two months.

"My mum's dream car,"Kylie added of the vehicle that has a one-year wait list to buy in Australia.

The Kardashian/Jenner clan are known for their lavish displays of affection.

For Kylie's 21st birthday in August,she was given a vintage Rolls Royce by her rapper partner Travis Scott,26,father of their eight-month-old daughter,Stormi Webster.

As a push present after Kylie gave birth to Stormi in February,Scott presented her with a rare Ferrari LaFerrari worth an estimated $2 million.

And here's us thinking that diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Amy Croffey was an entertainment reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age

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