Rolling Stones review:How can these elderly gentlemen sound so cool,sexy,loud and nasty?

Rod Laver Arena,November 5

No inflatables. No pyro. No confetti cannons. For the Rolling Stones,a venue the size of Rod Laver is probably classed as a large-ish pub. The best surprise about their delayed return to Melbourne was that that's how they played it:loud,lean and pretty much free of the blockbuster window dressing most monster acts wouldn't dare leave home without.

The Rolling Stones in concert at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne,2014.

The Rolling Stones in concert at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne,2014.Paul Jeffers

Sure,there was plenty of glitter in Mick Jagger's tightly tailored jacket,in Keith Richards'more piratical coat and even Ronnie Wood's cherry red sneakers. We could watch those smirking reprobates'gnarled fingers locked in flawlessly entwined riffage on a suave,curvy screen as Jagger did his bizarre clapping and pointing chicken dance around a long,tongue-shaped catwalk.

But not so much as a mirror ball descended on what was — and you may have heard this one,but nothing prepares you for the sheer knee-trembling realisation of it — almost certainly the world's greatest rock'n'roll band.

The Rolling Stones'Keith Richards in concert at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne,2014.

The Rolling Stones' Keith Richards in concert at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne,2014.Paul Jeffers

True,it took the machine a few tunes to kick into gear. As canon fodder goes,Jumpin'Jack Flash was a hell of a chip to gamble andYou Got Me Rocking wasn't quite jackpot material either. Without the buffer of an opening act,Jagger faced the full weight of that cold concrete bunker,even as he graciously thanked us for our patience since thatpostponement of March.

Jagger came to sing,mostly,though he had a nifty string of Melbourne Cup gags in the pocket of his skinny jeans. He'd met a nice girl called Gabi Grecko at the race,he told us. They got on great!"But I think I'm a bit too young for her."

It was partly endearing and partly worrying when the classiest drummer in the universe,Charlie Watts,mopped sweat from his brow not via towel roadie,but with a folded white hanky pulled from his trouser pocket.

But the cobwebs were clear byTumbling Dice.Wild Horseswas brave,true and not a little moving. When the token new song,Doom and Gloom,came over like a thunderclap,we were on the cusp of a bona fide event thatStreet Fighting Man — the lucky winner of tonight's internet request poll — ramped to the brink.

Look,it's perfectly conceivable that the low-amps opening and gradual build to the gleeful abandon ofHonky Tonk Women was all part of the master showmen's craft. From Jagger's deft de-shirting and re-shirting to Wood's sneaky string of contraband cigarettes and Keef's timely showcase ofHappy andBefore They Make Me Run,every other detail of the affair was precisely that considered.

But when Stones alumnus Mick Taylor turned up to drive a triple-headed riff juggernaut through the heart ofMidnight Rambler,well,there was nothing more clever and contrived than the power of rock'n'roll raising that roof. It's not much,to paraphrase the title of an earlier tune,but this audience was growing more fond of it by the moment.

And so passions rose,through the funky"woo-ooo-oos"ofMiss You to the devastating drama ofGimme Shelter,with Jagger and backing singer Lisa Fischer dancing on the edge of Keef and Ronnie's immaculately belching Armageddon. And still they had four or five of the best rock'n'roll songs of all time up their silky sleeves.

When the Satisfaction riff roared out of the last choral crescendo ofYou Can't Always Get What You Want,you really had to wonder how such a frankly elderly group of gentlemen,albeit with some exceptionally seasoned associates,could possibly sound so incredibly cool,sexy,loud and nasty.

Maybe it was because they worked out what the hell they were doing up there before confetti canons were invented. At this rate,they might live to see that kind of nonsense go out of fashion entirely.

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