New ABC drama Mustangs FC kicks goals for women and diversity

The huge success of the Matildas and the entry of women into the AFL provide a fitting real-life backdrop for the new ABC ME drama,Mustangs FC. About a girls soccer team,it explores the rollercoaster that is life as a teenager in all its mayhem and glory.

Producer Amanda Higgs and her co-producer Rachel Davis met in 2015;both had a clear vision about wanting to make a program about young women.

Lara (Monique Heath),Bella (Molly Broadstock),Liv (Ashleigh Marshall),Marnie (Emmanuelle Mattana),Anusha (Gemma Chua Tran),and Ruby (Celine Ajobong) in Mustangs FC.

Lara (Monique Heath),Bella (Molly Broadstock),Liv (Ashleigh Marshall),Marnie (Emmanuelle Mattana),Anusha (Gemma Chua Tran),and Ruby (Celine Ajobong) in Mustangs FC.Kerrie O'Brien

"It felt like it was relevant,the timing was right,the ABC got it immediately,"Higgs says."The idea of a show with women in the lead that celebrated diversity both from a cultural point of view or a body point of view."

Produced by Matchbox Pictures for the ABC,the show is directed by Fiona Banks,Corrie Chen,Tori Garrett and Roger Hodgman. For the first series,13 episodes have been produced,and a second series is under consideration.

Emmanuelle Mattana as Marnie in Mustangs FC.

Emmanuelle Mattana as Marnie in Mustangs FC.

While the show addresses big issues,it never feels worthy or messagey."I think that's definitely the intention,"says Higgs."The best drama deals with issues not with a capital I and is able to dramatise through character.

"Character is the best part because we're all so changeable:one minute we're strong,the next we're vulnerable,we seem really confident then we muck up,we're angry the next. Particularly at that age when you're dealing with so many emotions and pressures and trying to decide who you are,I think that's got a lot of nuance to it."

Humour is also an intrinsic part of the show."The one thing you get from being around teenage girls is how much they love to make each other laugh. And I think that's really important."

She is struck by how often women are depicted in adult television as being at each other,which is not an accurate reflection of life."There's a lot of false drama through women being in opposition to each other,or up against each other,where I don't really see a lot of that in female friendships."

Liv (Ashleigh Marshall) in Mustangs FC.

Liv (Ashleigh Marshall) in Mustangs FC.Kerrie O'Brien

Only a couple of theMustangs cast had acting experience. To find the cast,a callout was made through Facebook:whole soccer teams came to audition and over 350 screen tests were done. The team at Mullinars have clearly done their job well – when they run out onto the ground,the girls look just like what you'd expect to see at a local club. There's lots of difference in the faces and the body shapes;one of the girls wears a hijab.

Working with a cast of largely non-actors posed some challenges but was overwhelmingly positive,according to Higgs."It was absolutely brilliant because they could not have been more excited. Truly I think the first read through we had … it was thrilling to see all these young women take the lead."

The cast includes Emmanuelle Mattana,Ashleigh Marshall,Monique Heath,Molly Broadstock,Gemma Chua Tran and Celine Ajobong. Jacek Koman plays the team's coach,Pia Miranda the mother of the team's captain and Stephen Hall plays her boyfriend. Fiona Harris was employed as drama coach and Breeze Callaghan,who played for the Matildas when she was a teenager,looked after the young cast.

So why was Higgs keen to make a show about young women,and teenagers in particular?

"I think we're treading that fine line of acknowledging what's happening to young girls in particular but also not pushing them too far into adult stuff. Cos I do really believe there's plenty of time for so many things in the adult world,we're trying to celebrate that period of life when you're on this team with all these other like-minded young women,and acknowledging that they're not all white,they're not all straight,that's the world we live in and also we can have fun. And it can make you feel strong and it can help you achieve. It's challenging but we can have fun. All those messages Rachel and I were really,really committed to from the outset.

"I think the pressure on young women is phenomenal. Again I think that's one of the reasons we wanted to do this show – it wasn't about boys or beauty.

"I personally feel so strongly that we've got to start celebrating what's in the minds and the hearts of young women,rather than the colour of their hair or what they're wearing … or how much social media profile they have. I feel like it's just so competitive,in a way that's not realistic."

Difference is one of the show's themes,Higgs says but"we didn't necessarily know who all our girls were going to be throughout the casting. We wanted to make sure we represented girls as we see them in the real world but we didn't necessarily set out to cast a south Sudanese actor as Ruby,for example,but she became our Ruby.

"It was just a bit more organic. We knew we wanted to celebrate diversity but it was organic in the process so we were choosing the best person for the role and also putting them together in an ensemble,which is quite a tricky thing,but that's why I feel so blessed it's turned out so well."

Asked about her experience of working in children's television after years of making predominantly adult drama,Higgs says it was a joy. She is particularly proud the project was staffed by 61 per cent women and subscribes to the Geena Davis philosophy"If you can see it,you can be it".

"We had a lot of amazing younger women working on our show behind the camera,who've taught Rachel and I so much. I hope we can give these women more opportunities if we get a second series. It's really important that we do all we can.

"We were really conscious of trying to make that happen and we did,we just got so many amazing women – and men too – but so many amazing women taking the lead. And the children's space really allowed that to happen because I guess we all knew that it was time,it had to happen. From there the snowball happens."

Mustangs FC airs on October 11 on ABC ME.

Kerrie O'Brien is a senior writer,culture,at The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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