Charlie's ego spirals out of control on The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette contestant Charlie has displayed frustrating traits since just about the first week of the season and in Thursday night's episode his ego took things to a whole new level.

As much as we'd like to,it's hard to avoid writing about the guy - his dramatic storylines are taking up 75 per cent of the show and generating some intense social media discussion.

Ali proves that she’s the one in charge by giving Charlie exactly what he wants.

So what is it about Charlie? To put it bluntly,he's coming across as one of the more controlling contestants we've seen on the show. Whenhe tried to force her hand in Wednesday night's episode,Ali absolutely wasn't having it.

She addressed his intensity at the beginning of Thursday's episode,and it set up the foundation for their catch-up that followed.

"Who does Charlie think he is,trying to tell me what to do?"Ali asks the camera."I'm in the driver's seat,not him.

"If he wants more time,I'm going to let him have it,but this isnot a date,"she says."It's going to be on my terms,on my turf,at the gym. I'm going to put Charlie through the wringer and see if Mr Serious can have some fun."

Ali put Charlie through his paces on their"date".

Ali put Charlie through his paces on their "date".Network Ten

Unfortunately for Ali,Charlie just sees this catch-up as proof that his demands for more time worked - and look,we suppose they kind of did.

Ali does indeed put Charlie through the fitness wringer and theydo look like they have fun together. He scores a rose,though we aren't privy to that information until the very end of the episode.

When it comes time for the group date,the guys are paired off,with odd-number-out Todd finding himself teamed up with Ali (he ain't sad about it). They play some game where they have to pretend it's the apocalypse and each team has to collect the most survival items in a maze-like setup to win.

With seemingly no rules to the game,things quickly escalate and soon Charlie and Paddy are literally punching on with Bill and Taite in order to hold on to the most items.

When testosterone gets in the way of a good time.

When testosterone gets in the way of a good time.Network Ten

In spite of their efforts,Paddy and Charlie end up with the least amount of items and they're eliminated from the group date.

The rest of the guys - Bill,Taite,Todd,Dan and Daniel - are treated to a mansion slumber party with Ali. They cook food together and laze around in their pyjamas... then Taite swoops in with a request for the time one-on-one.

As we know from their first date a few episodes ago,Taite seemed like a very real contender in this competition. This episode has now confirmed it.

While the pair of them are canoodling on the couch,Ali tells him she's falling for him - the first time she's said so,in as many words,all season. In return,Taite tells her much the same,saying that if she doesn't pick him at the end he will be heartbroken.

Ali and Taite's connection shows no signs of slowing down.

Ali and Taite's connection shows no signs of slowing down.Network Ten

It's pretty cute,and they can't seem to get enough of each other. When Bill interrupts and asks for a chat,Ali tells him to wait. It's clear that there's only one person she wants to spend time with,and that's Taite. He's got'winner'written all over him.

When the cocktail party is upon us,Ali takes Bill aside for a catch up in one of the more secluded areas of the mansion grounds - purely because she didn't want to be interrupted.

Charlie takes it as a sign that Bill is in trouble with Ali,and proceeds to tell the rest of the guys as much.

Charlie was obsessed with the idea that Bill was in trouble with Ali...

Charlie was obsessed with the idea that Bill was in trouble with Ali...Network Ten

"I'm a great reader of people and I put people under pressure and I get the answers I want as you all know,"he says to them,while Todd can barely refrain from rolling his eyes."The answer I've got from[Bill]... I just know,in my heart she will get hurt by him."

The cameras cut to Ali and Bill having a relaxed,happy chat about how much they like each other and how they would work together in a relationship.

And,well... nope. They're all good.

And,well... nope. They're all good.Network Ten

It's clearly not a negative conversation and when it's juxtaposed with Charlie's intense comments to the guys about how Bill is likely being given a talking to,it all makes Charlie look... a little bit silly.

There's no way Network 10 would portray their eventual winner this way,so we can fairly safely assume Charlie will be on his way out soon.

In the end,it's Dan and Paddy who are eliminated and it's no surprise. As lovely as Dan was,and as entertaining as Paddy was,they just didn't build any connection with Ali.

Dan and Paddy didn't get much of a chance to make it work with Ali.

Dan and Paddy didn't get much of a chance to make it work with Ali.Network Ten

Suddenly there are just five men left and the pointy end of the show is upon us. Only two weeks to go until we know who Ali's chosen (if she's chosen anyone at all).

Genevieve Rota is the culture digital editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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