'Do you want me to stay?':Sam and Ines,anatomy of an affair

The affair is complete:Sam and Ines are officially cheaters.

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Tipsy in a Gold Coast hotel lobby,the TV pariahs noisily locked lips under the prying eyes of Nine's camera operators,finally pushing this season ofMAFS into its next dramatic chapter ("catfights,"obviously).

Of course,the show is a sham (uh,allegedly). But Monday's episode was also an intriguing look into how the morally corrupt might find themselves advancing into such an extramarital dalliance.

There's the self-justifications,for instance,which both Sam and Ines cement early on in the episode.

Sam and Ines:it's happened.

Sam and Ines:it's happened.Nine

"I guess Elizabeth is still too sick to see her hubby,"Sam starts,feigning sorrow at the fact producers have locked his wife in a closet somewhere at Nine's Willoughby headquarters so he could steal uninterrupted hook-up time with Ines."When life gives you lemons,make lemonade,"he adds,comparing his wife to sour fruit and his adulterous affair to a delicious kids'drink.

Ines,meanwhile,delves into the emotional turmoil of having to spend time with husband Bronson.

"I have been holding my personality back,my real thoughts and feelings with Bronson,"she explains,framing the impending affair as an act of personal empowerment. She also shares her hopes for the coming meeting with Sam:"Sam with his shirt off,me with my clothes off,just pashing on."

There's a solid build-up to their big date,and some anxious excitement. Sam says he would've discussed the whole adultery thing with Elizabeth first if she was around,but oh well. Ines ponders the appropriate location of her cleavage zipper."I look good but I don't even know why I'm wearing clothes;I'm not going to be wearing any when I get to[Sam's] house,"she says.

Their hotel rendezvous is something out of a golden-age Hollywood thriller.

Ines perfects her zipper position.

Ines perfects her zipper position.Nine

We see Sam in his rumpled white holiday linen (sans panama hat,unfortunately),silently swirling a glass of pinot at the lobby bar. You can almost picture a jazz pianist soundtracking the steamy drama just off-screen,but then you remember this is the Gold Coast so it's probably just Flo Rida.

Ines saunters in like Sharon Stone inBasic Instinct."No rush now,finally alone,"Sam tells her. They raise their drinks for a toast."Cheers,to relationships,"they laugh,and I laugh too.

Within minutes,the small-talk gets steamy.

Sam:"Do you like cheese platters? Olives? Like kalamata olives,pitted olives?"

Ines:"I do... All of them."


I assume there's subtext here,or they're just reciting my last deli receipt. Either way,I need a cigarette.

Sam grabs Ines'hand,and compliments her"soft"fingers."You drink your wine so elegantly,"she tells him."Me? How?"he angrily counters,maybe thinking she said"elephantly".

He compliments her dress."I love it,there's a full zip at the front."

"I wore the zip for a purpose,"she replies.

Sam at the affair.

Sam at the affair.Nine

"I bet you did,"he whispers. He awkwardly pokes his head under the table and adds,"You have such nice legs."

At this point,much of Australia would be feeling their dinner rise. But these two are relentless.

"Sam's directness is super hot,"Ines tells the cameras."It's like everything I've wanted to be told."

Sam's a little unsure."I know what Ines wants to do tonight. That's quite obvious. I guess she wants to go back to my place. It's difficult,"he says.

Ines at the affair.

Ines at the affair.Nine

Not that difficult,really."Should we bail?"he asks her."I'm glad we had this beautiful evening together."

"Same,babes,"Ines replies.

They get up to walk off,but instead kiss passionately. Nine,which owns this masthead,suddenly turns coy about the situation they entirely orchestrated,their camera operator shooting the scene from behind a flowerpot.

"Yeah!"Ines exclaims after the kiss."Cute!"Sam adds,and they venture off to his room. They take a couple of glasses of mini bar wine to his bed,and Ines flips off the light."Oh,that's hot. I like that,"she says."What a time to be alive."

She slides in closer to him on the bed,and he puts a hand on her thigh."Do you want me to stay?"Ines asks.

"I might go to the bathroom quickly and then I think we just... I'm feeling a bit tired,"Sam replies,threatening a limp exit. Ines makes up his mind by planting a wet one on him. He reciprocates.

We see them both kick off their shoes. Sam picks up Ines and throws her on the bed. Awkwardly,the camera operator's not hiding now. The pair,now horizontal,make out and the scene fades to black.

Was it just a kiss? Did they bang? Such unlikely questions to ponder on a Monday night. We're offered a glimpse at Tuesday night's episode,touting Elizabeth's conveniently-timed morning-after return. Let the fallout begin.

Robert Moran is Spectrum Deputy Editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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